-13- 𝕾𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘

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"If you want to love others, I think you should love yourself first."
– Kim Namjoon


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what previously happened

I sniffled the different air that hovered above us. I tried to wake Jackson up but it seemed like he was in a deep slumber so where the others.

How can't they smell the air??

I sighed and slowly put Jackson's strong arm away from my body. While kissing his forehead.

I smiled to myself, seems like i still don't have any clue how this will end with him but i felt happiness and that's what i'm craving for a long time...

As i got up I heard unfamiliar voices from outside. When i came closer to the door to check what's going on, everything hit me...

At this point I felt nothing everything went black and I fell on the ground with a loud *tumb*


All I heard was a ringing in my ear I couldn't decribe the feeling nor the smell filling my nostrils.

I bet on my live that this shit was a was gas then I rememberd the Explosion. I tried to shake myself but I was too tired to move a Inch. I accepted my faith with big arms

My eyelids flutter open blinded by the bright lights

I tilted my head to my side...

I saw my brother on the Floor with everyone lying next to him, I craweld with heavy breaths to him until I reached him I put his head on my knees.

Tears streaming down my face.  I couldnt breath. He was all I had left he was my everything. I cought every two seconds the toxic air entering my lungs with every breath I take.

I touched his bruises on his face, he saved me, he put my life over his over and over again just to keep me safe

"Jinyoung... please come back..please don't leave me... th-that's too soon... don't do this to me.." i sobbed

I saw a metal piece stuck in his hip area. My eyes widned in Panic... I didn't know what to do i can't loose him... I pressed my hands on his wound to keep the blood inside..

I embraced him and cried till my throat felt sore. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a cough under me, I released him a bit

"yah you pabo don't cry you look ugly when you cry"

He smiled weak at me looking down to his wound he touched it and groand in pain. " no...no don touch it wait let me take you-you out ... please stay with me...." i panicked

I started panicing everyone was ancaucious laying on the Floor guess Jinyoung and me were the last who surived this Explosion..

the explosion....was it Bangtan? Was it revenge?

I felt a hand on my wrist "Ara please just stay next to me that's all im asking for..." he coughed blood

"oh god no...no Jinyoung don't do this let me take you to the Hospital... I c-cant let you die like..like  this"

I cried out "please Ara...I can't do this anymore I am in pain....I would die sooner or later...the thought....t-the thought of it makes me h-happy to release the pain in in ... m-me i want it to go away" he cried out while he cupped my face bringing it Closer to his face. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead

I felt his Tears on my face that caused me to cry even more.

"you are the only one keeping me alive till now A-ara ....but look at you- you turned muture y-you are a strong Woman.... you dont need me to protect you anymore...." he said barley oudible but I heard every heartbreking word he said

He reached for his jeans pocket struggling a bit he took my hand in his slender ones and gave me an usb stick

"please take it, don't let them reach for it. Keep yourself hidden, Im sorry that I put you in danger, i thought i thought I did something good......" his voice trailed off

He leaned back on the wet ground, the red liquid was still streaming down from his wound "I love you so much Ara" i let my head hanging low tears still running out of my puffy red eyes not wanting to except it...

Jinyoung chuckled but still in pain he reached for my hand again. I looked at him I saw his brown sparkling orbs.

"Hey its gonna hurt awhile but it'll be alright take care of yourself princess im sorry that- that i let you down, don't be sad for a Long time"

his voice faded evrytime he spoke his eyes closing lightly but he's wiling to stay a bit longer " p-please don-nt forget me" he chocked out and became silent his muscels getting weaker and weaker.

Lifeless on the floor, with one last final breath, but a smile a sad smile painted his beautiful futures.

His smile represented a sign of happiness and peace then he fell into a never ending slumber.

His soul left his body his body became ice cold...

"I would never Forget you, I love you so-so  much Jinyoung...."  I tried to stay strong but I couldn't.... I felt every piece of me broke into thousand of pieces.
I let everything out letting every tear roll down my face...

His throbbing heart became silent like fire haunting me..

A single tear drop leaving his eyes for the last time. I swiped it away and kissed his forehead

"i love you Little brother" I weakly stood up on my feet and looked around... the once standing warehouse, burnded to the ground but the fire didn't reached us yet but still so near...

I checked their pulse. dead every single one of them, even Jackson...

I grabbed the whiskhy bottle we drank hours before and pured it on them. I stopped when i saw Jackson on the floor.

" im so sorry" i bend down and kissed his forehead and brushed his hair away.

I also poured it on him I reached for blankets and put them over their body and faces. I carefully lit matches with a heavy heart.

I had to do it.

I took a deep breath and threw the Matches on their dead bodys.

I looked at the fire one last time, the dead bodys slightly dissapearing in the bright light.
I felt like the fire was screaming in pain representing every hurt soul...

"I will make you proud...wait for me Jinyoung..."  i swiped my tears away.
And threw my necklace on the ground to show them that I also died in here.

With heavy steps I turned my back and went  into the deep and dark forrest...

Keep yourself hidden... that's what he said and that's what im about to do...

the only thing that went into my mind was a cold hearted revenge on those bastards who stole my brother away from me.


oh oh 🤭

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