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Julie is 8 and Luke just turned 9 (They are in the same grade btw!!)



"Mom! We are gonna be late!!" Eight year old Julie yelled from the bottom of the staircase. "Coming sweetie!" Rose yelled from the upstairs bathroom. Julie rolled her eyes, grabbed her lunch off the counter, and then made her way to their car.

The little girl looked over to see a 'moving' van in the house across from them. She wondered who could be moving there. A new friend? A new babysitter (even though she was old enough but her mother insisted). A new enemy?

Julie shook off her thought when her mom came and tapped her on the shoulder. "When you get home from school, we will make some cookies and bring them to their house." She said with a small smile. "Okay mommy!" The 3rd grader said all happily.

They got into their car and drove off to 'Loz Feliz Elementary' .

When Julie arrived she grabbed her bag, waved goodbye to her mother, and headed inside the building. She met up with Flynn and Carrie and they stuffed our things into the lockers and skipped to class.

They got into the classroom and look over to see their table being taken over by StarWars ships, guitar picks, notes, and more toys. Julie looked at her girls and marched on over to the destructionists. "Hey! What do you think you are doing?" She asked harshly, grabbing one of the guitar picks from the table. "Hey! That's mine!" A voice said from underneath her.

She looked down at the boy sitting in her chair. The boy swatted towards her, struggling to grab his pick. "I don't think so. Not until you give us our table back." Julie said tucking the plastic into her pocket. "C'mon! Those are new!" The boy groaned.

"Luke! Stop being such a fuss and let's go." Another boy said cleaning up the stuff. "Bro! C'mon man! We were here first." Julie assumed that was Luke speaking. "I agree with Alex." Another boy added. "Not you too Reggie." Luke said scoffing and crossing his arms. "Dude- it's just a table." Alex said with a giggle while still cleaning. Reggie now joined him.

"I'm not moving." Luke replied sternly. "You are so stupid." Alex scoffed tugging on Reggie's arm. They both walked away, leaving the three girls with the evil little boy. At least, that's what the girls saw in him. Pure evil.

"You know that I don't like petty girls. They are so annoying and just ugh pests." Luke said eying Julie. "Oh cut that out." Carrie said walking over to her spot. "Why are you so protective of this table."

"Cause- I don't know. I guess I wanted something of my own finally." He muttered- but none of the girls heard him. "I-i meant that... I don't know." He said in a aggressive tone. "Look over at your friends Luke. They look like they are having fun." Flynn said motioning to the table on the other side of the room.

Luke looked over at his two friends who were laughing their heads off. He sighed and looked over at the girls. "This is gonna be a rough year." He muttered before pushing away and running up to his friends. "I don't like him." Carrie and Flynn said at the same time which made them break out into a giggle. "I mean- what's his deal anyways?" Julie scoffed.


When Julie got home, she went to make some cookies for her new neighbors. She hoped that they would maybe be her age so she would have some new friends to play with.

The smell of chocolate filled through their house. Rose and her daughter walked across the street. "I heard they have a kid your age, Julie. That will be fun." Rose said patting her daughters shoulder. Julie's smile brightened more.

She needed a pick-me-up after dealing with that scum Luke for the day. She couldn't believe that she would be spending all year with that doofus. Julie didn't mind his friends though, they were really sweet.

Luke made fun of her and did rude things like stick his gum in her hair, lightly kick her in the chin just to the point to make her grunt, and ruined her science project which was due that day.

Rose rung the doorbell when they got to the house. A young woman opened it and instantly smiled. "Hi! Me and my daughter Julie wanted you to feel welcomed to this neighborhood." Rose said handing the plate to the woman. "Nice to meet you guys! Please- come in." The woman beckoned.

Julie and her mom entered the house. It had a cozy feeling.

We learned that she had a son and he was up in his room playing his new guitar. Julie heard the light strumming coming from above. They also learned that the woman's name was Emily and her husband was named Mitch.

"Why, he should come meet you!" Emily said setting down her tea. Julie looked up from her hands which she was fiddling with earlier.

"Luke!" Emily yelled up the stairs. Julie froze.

Could it be?

Surely not. That would be-

"You have got to be kidding me." She heard a voice a few feet away from her. Julie looked over to see the one and only Luke. "What's wrong sweetie?" Emily asked rubbing her sons back. "She is." He rolled his eyes and ran back upstairs.

"Hunny?" Rose asked her daughter. She noticed Julie glaring at him. "I'm gonna head back home." Julie said getting up.

Oh boy.

*Flashback over*

Well- there was years and years of harassing each other. Sometimes when Luke stayed up late playing his guitar, Julie would throw a pebble at his studio windows.

Speaking of which, Rose let Luke have the Molina's garage as a studio.

They fought and fought all the time. By now, Carrie and Flynn were cool with Luke. He was only a jerk to Julie, but he was truly a nice guy. Luke started a band and Julie had to deal with it. She was cool with Alex and Reggie though- they were pretty sweet.

In middle school, many embarrassing and horrible things happened but those stories are for another day. (They will come up later in the story)

Now high school. Well, two years are done which had more fights, crying, yelling, pranks, stupidity? All of that times two.


And now we are here! Both in 11th grade. Julie is 15 and Luke just turned 17 a week ago.

and they both get detention....


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