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A/N: Shortish chapter kinda!


*Present Day*


"Julie!!" Flynn screamed as she ran up to me. I jogged over to her and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "I missed you!!" I said still clinging onto my best friend. "JULIE!!" Carrie screamed. She dropped her textbooks and backpack and came running over to us. "I missed you J!!" Carrie said, now holding onto me. "I missed you too Care." I giggled. 

You are probably wondering what is happening. Well, I went away to go visit and help out with my abuela in Costa Rica for the whole summer. I haven't seen my two besties in almost three months. Now, it's the first day of 11th grade. 

After a bit, we decided to make it to our class early. Us three had the same first period, so we walked there giggling, gossiping, and just having fun. "I cannot believe Patterson got moved up a grade!" Carrie said rolling her eyes. "Well, It was kinda a stupid reason." Flynn added. 

I just stayed silent. We got to our first class, which was the Music Program thing. I honestly didn't wanna be in it because of one reason and I bet you already guessed it. I looked to where we usually sit and I obviously see Luke sitting there. I let out an annoyed sigh before walking up to him. 

"Out." I scoffed pointing at my seat. "No." He grunted before looking back at his phone. I quickly grabbed it and chucked it at his backpack. "Out." I repeated. "Oh my god." He said in annoyance before standing up, shooting me a hurtful glare, and moving a few rows back. 

"What's his deal?" Carrie asked sitting down. "Probably his mom again, I don't know." I sighed before setting up for class. 

Like halfway through class, Luke just gets up and walks out. "Mr. Patterson! What do you think you are doing?" Mrs. Harrison asked. "To do drugs? I'm just messing with ya- I need to rehearse with my buddies." He said before exiting the class. Mrs. Harrison quickly rushed after him. 

"Oh gosh." Flynn muttered.



"Out." I looked up from my phone to see that little pest. "No." I scoffed and got back to scrolling through Instagram. I felt her hands brush against mine, ripping my phone out of my hands. "Out!" She repeated. I looked into her fiery fierce eyes. Man this girl is good. 

"Oh my god!" I yelled in annoyance. I got up and grabbed my things, I gave her a harsh look, and moved over to this kid named Nick.  I sat down and looked over at Julie and her friends. They were whispering. Gosh- I hate when girls do that. It's so dang annoying. 

After a bit, I got a text from Reggie and Alex saying that they skipped today's class and went to rehearse. I gathered my things and started my way to the other music room. "Mr. Patterson! What do you think you are doing?" The teacher asked. If I am being honest, I don't know her name. 

"To do drugs? I'm just messing with ya- I need to rehearse with my buddies." I said before clicking the door open. When I got out there, I heard footsteps behind me. "What?" I asked turning around. 

"We are not doing this again Luke." The teacher said crossing her arms. "What? I only did it like three times last year." I said in defense. "Luke listen, I was the one to move you up a grade because I thought you would exceed and stay focused. Do I need to push you back?" She asked. 

"No ma'am. I am sorry." I said before turning around to go meet up with my friends still. "That's it. Detention Friday." The teacher sighed and walked back into her classroom. 

DETENTION?? On the first day of school? Not again. My parents are gonna be so- AARGHH!!



Me and Flynn made it to our next class. We sat down in our spots and fiddled around with some supplies. "Alrighty class! Let's begin the lecture." Mrs. Bauske said pulling up some slides on the board. "Not again." I muttered. 

We wrote down some notes and grabbed our assignments. I got a little bored so I grabbed a small piece of paper, wrote a funny joke to Flynn, and secretly handed it to her. Flynn couldn't contain her laugh. It bursted out of her like a bubble.

"Mrs. Molina?" The teacher asked. "Hm?" I said trying to hold my giggle in. "May I see the note you have passed to Flynn?" She asked. I grabbed the paper and walked over to her desk. How did she see me pass it?

Mrs. Bauske opened up the note and sighed. "Do you think is is appropriate for my class? I don't think so." She said crumbling up the paper. I heard Flynn snicker which made me burst my giggle out. "Mrs. Molina! We are not doing this again." The teacher said handing me a red slip.

"Detention Friday. You may not keep doing these actions in my class. After three years, I am done with this nonsense." She sighed. "But it was only a note?" I asked. 

"Don't make me push it to Saturday, Julie." Mrs. Bauske said. "Yes ma'am." I muttered before returning to my desk. Why didn't Flynn get in trouble? She was the one to laughed.


Friday rolled around which sucked. After my horrid classes, I made my way to the office. I already told my dad about it and he seemed chill, but my mom was a whole different story. I walked through the doors and sat in a chair. 

"Julie Molina?" The secretary asked. "That's me." I said getting up from my chair. "Principle Le-" 

"I know." I chuckled before walking over to the principle's office. "Hey Julie! Take a seat." She said. "Okay." I replied with a nod. 

"Well, we have decided that since you have been fooling around in some of your classes with your friend, Flynn, we wanted for you to keep your classes with her. It will cost something though." She said crossing her arms. 

I was so stoked to find out me and Flynn wouldn't get split for our silly little actions. "Yes? What is it?" I asked. "Cleaning the restrooms with a partner." She said. We both heard the office door fling open. "We have already talked to them so you two will get started right away!"

"Are you kidding me?" A voice from behind me said. I turned around to see the one and only, Luke Patterson. 

"No-" I said as I turned around back to the principle with a pleading look. "Please don't make me!" I begged. She looked at us, let out a laugh, and motioned us to the cleaning cart. 



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