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(A/N: This first chapter doesn't have the Crew Boys in it yet as I am trying to set up the back story! They should appear within the next couple of chapters! :D)

"Wait, please! I didn't do anything!" I beg the steely man standing before me as I sit at my desk.

Getting fired really was not what I expected to happen to me today not to mention I wasn't really in a place in my life where I could mentally or financially handle not having a job.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, we have to let you go. We can't keep you on our staff. You haven't been performing well in your job these past few weeks, and you're dragging the rest of the staff behind," my supervisor speaks sternly.

He wasn't wrong. I had been going through some... issues. My boyfriend of over 3 years broke up with me a month ago and my parents had to move 9 hours away because my dad found a new job. Basically, my life that I had gotten so comfortable and secure in completely flipped upside down in the blink of an eye.

"I'm sorry, I'm going through some things outside of work. Please.... just give me another chance!" I press.

"We don't do second chances here. Pack your things and be out in half an hour." He hands me a box to put my things in before he walks away and heads back into his office.

I sigh as I begin packing up my things.

Where did I go wrong? What did I do to deserve all of this bullshit being brought down on me all once? It's only been 9 months since I graduated college, and here I am, already being fired from my first real job.

I've had my entire life planned out since I was 19. I would finish my business degree, get a nice 9-5 desk job, marry Ben and start a family, and live in a cute little house right down the street from my parents.

That was the plan, but obviously, most of that plan has now gone down the fucking drain.

I grab my small purse and my box of things and walk out of the building with my head held high.

Their fucking loss.

I find my car in the parking lot, opening the passenger door to slip my things into the seat before shutting the door and heading over to the other side to hop in. I slam my head on the steering wheel as soon as I am safely inside.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!" I yell. I always find it comforting to get my feelings out in my car. Plus, it's probably not a good idea to drive while I'm upset. I check my phone, seeing a few texts from my mom and my best friend, Nova. I decide that I'll just answer them when I'm ready to talk to them about my shitty day later.

I take a deep breath as I buckle my seatbelt and start up my car. As I back out of the parking spot and head onto the road, I start to hope that my roommate isn't home because I'm not really in the mood to deal with anyone today.

My roommate, Molly, has not been my favorite person lately. She's been pretty bitchy these last couple of months, so I honestly have been avoiding her at all costs. I'm not sure what happened, but we used to be really close, I mean that's why we even decided to live together in the first place.

She majored in finance, and I had majored in business management. We met junior year of college, and we really hit it off. We moved in together senior year and have been living together since. She's changed though, and I just don't know what it is.

I stop at a gas station on the way home. I didn't need gas, but I needed some items to get me through this shitshow of a day. I made a B-line for the first thing on my mind: chocolate. I grab several (Your candy of choice) before heading for the Monsters in the drink case. I grab 6 (Your favorite flavor of Monster) Monsters before I struggle to carry everything in my arms to the cash register. The cashier glances at me, but she doesn't question me as she rings up all of my items and puts them in a bag. I quickly pay and take my items with me out to my car before heading home. I mindlessly tap my fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of whatever popular song was quietly playing on my radio. I wasn't really in a music kind of mood, honestly.

I pull into my neighborhood, and as I near my house, my stomach drops as I see a dreadfully familiar truck in the driveway parked next to Molly's outdated Honda Civic.

As I park my car behind Molly's, my entire body becomes fueled with rage. So blinded by my anger, I don't even grab the abundance of things that are in my passenger seat.

What the fuck is he even doing here??????

I quickly make my way to the door and angrily fling it open, luckily it was already unlocked.

As the door swings open, I see two figures on the couch, fumbling to get away from each other.

It was Molly and Ben, clearly doing things that they shouldn't be fucking doing.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I yell, tears welling up as everything hits me.

Ben left me for Molly. Molly stole my boyfriend, and that's why she's been acting so off.

"Y/N? You're supposed to be working?" Ben looks at me puzzled, obviously thrown off by the fact that they just got caught.

"I just got fired, but I guess that couldn't have been the only shitty thing that happened to me today." The words spit out of my mouth, anger dripping off of every single syllable. I can feel the burning fire of rage growing inside of me.

Molly walks over to me. "I swear, I'm so sorry, Y/N. I was going to tell you soon, I just didn't know how and--"

"Save it," I mutter as I slide past her to go to my room to pack some of my things. I don't have time to get everything, but I shove some clothes, my laptop, and my phone charger into a bag.

"Where are you going?" Molly questions, Ben standing behind her.

I hold back my tears as I hastily zip up my bag.

"I don't know, but I want to be anywhere but here." I murmur as I sling the bag over my shoulder and slide past them and out of the house before they can even try to stop me.

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