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I wake up to the sun shining through the massive living room window. I squint and groan as I sit up. 

As comfy as the couch was to sit on, it wasn't the best to sleep on, but since I didn't really have the time or the energy to go get my things moved out yesterday night, I had to sleep somewhere. 

I lift the comforter and drape it over my head and shoulders as I reach for my phone on the coffee table. I check the time instantly. 9:37 A.M.

Too early. My body is still on a working schedule, though. I sigh as I see all of the missed calls and text messages I have from Molly. I put my phone down on the couch beside me before placing my head in my hands.

How am I going to go over there and move everything out without having to face her or Ben?

I stand up and stretch before heading to the kitchen to look for something to drink. To my surprise, there is absolutely nothing in the fridge.

No, like seriously, there wasn't any food or anything.


I shake my head before searching through the cabinets for a glass. When I find one, I head over to the sink and fill it up with water, chugging every last drop. As I go to refill the glass oncemore, I hear footsteps come up behind me in the kitchen. 

I look over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of a sleepy, shirtless Clay rubbing his eyes. I try to avoid his chiseled abdomen with my eyes. Although, it is quite hard. 

"Y/N? Why are you up so early?" He groans sleepily, grabbing himself a glass as well. His morning voice kind of caught me off guard. I didn't expect it to affect me the way that it did, but I stand corrected.

I shrug as I move away from the sink, turning to rest my backside against the counter. "My body's still running on a schedule, I guess. Why the fuck do you guys have absolutely no food?" I ask, taking another swig of the water in my glass.

He chuckles lowly, bringing the glass of water to his lips. After he finishes the whole glass, he speaks softly, "We normally just order food. None of us can really cook, and even if we could, we don't have the time." 

"Ah, I see. Well, we're gonna change that." I reply.

"What? Why?" He asks, defensively.

"You guys don't even have any snacks! I'm starting to question agreeing to live here!" I giggle, making him chuckle.

"No, you don't," he beams, putting his empty glass into the sink before heading into the living room. I follow suit.

He plops on the couch and pats the cushion next to him, motioning for me to sit. I do as he asks. 

"So are we gonna grab your belongings today?" Clay raises an eyebrow at me. 

"I don't know..." I trail.

"Y/N, you can't keep sleeping on the couch." Clay scoffs. Just then, Alex emerges from the hallway.

"Why the fuck are you guys awake? Go back to sleep, damn." Alex whines as he throws himself onto one of the other couches. Clay and I laugh.

Clay turns back to me. "What the hell even happened?"

I realize that I haven't told any of them what has happened to me in the last 24 hours, or even in the last month.

"It's a long story," I sigh.

"We've got time." Alex remarks, sitting up attentively.

So I tell them everything that has happened. My parents moving, Ben dumping me, getting fired, finding out Ben left me for Molly... They both hang on to every word, listening intently without saying a single thing. It's kind of nice, comforting even, how much they care about listening to my sob story.

"And yeah... That's how I got here." I finish my story.

They both sit speechless for a minute before Clay speaks up.

"Can we kick Ben's ass, though?" He asks. I laugh before realizing he's not joking.

"Yes! Can we please?" Alex begs.

"Nah, he's not worth it, trust me. Will you guys go with me to get my stuff later though? We need to go the grocery store, too." I say sweetly, trying to butter them up.

"Yo, what's she talking about? We don't go to the grocery store." Alex stares at Clay, shaking his head.

Clay sighs. "She says we at least need some snacks. Don't fight her on it," he warns Alex before he pats my leg and stands up, "I'm gonna go shower. The other guys should be up soon, and then we will all get ready and head out for the day."


I look at myself in the mirror as I'm getting myself ready for today's events. 

If I'm being honest, I just want to get all of my stuff moved here, so I can move on and fully start this new chapter of my life.

Is this gonna be easy? No, but at least I'm not doing it alone. 

I take one last look at my appearance in the mirror. I'm wearing a white turtleneck with a black velvet tank layered over the top. My high-waisted jeans were ripped and rolled up to make room for my worn out, black high top Converse. I sigh, trying to fix my messy, (y/h/c) hair before giving up and heading out of the bathroom. 

In the living room, I find all of the guys and Nova. 

"You ready?" Alex asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be." We head out the door. The majority of us hop into Clay's minivan while Nick hops into his truck along with Karl. 

I buckle myself into the passenger seat as I take one last deep breath. 

Alex leans up in between the seats and places a hand on my arm. 

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. We're gonna take care of everything, promise." He smiles, reassuringly which causes me to smile a little, too.

Clay starts up the car and turns his attention toward me. "Alright, Y/N. Tell me where to go, and I'll get us there." 

As we pull out of the driveway, my stomach does a few flips.


"That's it." I mumble, pointing to the house I've been dreading stepping foot in again. 

"Son of a bitch..." Nova trails, angrily as we both realize that Ben's truck is still in the driveway.

"What?" George asks, confused.

"My ex is here." I gulp.

"We shouldn't be surprised." Nova growls.

I look at Clay as I stammer, "May-maybe we should come back later..."

"No, we're doing this now," he puts the car in park in the driveway behind Molly's car. Nick parks next to us.

"Do you guys mind giving us a second?" Clay asks looking at the three in his backseat. They all hop out of the van, shutting the doors behind them.

He studies my face before he places his hand on top of mine. This startles me a little, but I appreciate him trying to comfort me. "Look, I know this is not going to be easy. At all. But you're not doing this alone. You've got six of us with you. That's practically a whole army." I chuckle, fighting back tears. 

"My point is we're going to march in there and move your stuff out as quickly as we can. And yeah, we're probably going to have to talk to them, but you aren't going to have to do it by yourself. I will make sure nothing happens to you, got it?" He rambles, giving me a very serious look at the end. I nod, smiling as we get out of the van.

"What? Did his pep talk actually work?" Nick laughs. 

"Yeah, it actually did," I smile at Clay as he shoots me a grin back.

I begin my trek to the front door, Nova at my side and the boys following close behind. 

Here goes nothing...

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