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I open my eyes, finding the warm sunshine filling the room. I scramble for my phone, grabbing it from underneath my pillow. I glance at the time. 2:37 PM

Clay stirs next to me, groaning as he shields his eyes from the bright light.

"Well, good morning to you, too!" I laugh.

He smiles, glancing at me with squinted eyes, "Morning."

Gosh, his morning voice...

"So, the guys are going to have questions," I point out as I sit up. He does the same, running his hand through his messy hair.

"Probably, but we'll just answer them honestly." He shrugs.

I sigh, flopping back down onto my back. "Is it bad that I don't want to go out there? I wanna stay in here forever."

"I already told you that you can hang out in here whenever you want," he answers softly, a grin spreading across his face.

"Yeah, yeah..." I roll my eyes as I climb out of the bed. He opens the door, and we both head out into the hall. I walk to the kitchen to get my usual glass of water, Clay follows in my tracks.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." Nick grins, catching the attention of the others who are sitting in the living room.

I grab two glasses and fill them up with water. I hand one to Clay. We both ignore them and finish off our drinks.

"You guys have some explaining to do," Karl says in an obviously fake serious tone.

Clay shrugs, "There's nothing to explain." I nod in agreement.

"Nothing at all?" George interrogates, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope," I reply.

"So you guys didn't have sex?" Alex asks.

"Alex!!" Clay shouts, eyes growing wide.

I burst into laughter.

"Wait, why are you laughing?" Clay turns his attention to me, confused.

I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard. "They- they- think that we- fucked!" I stay cracking up.

Everybody starts laughing with me, and we laugh for a bit before it gets quiet again.

"Wait, so you guys didn't fuck?" Nick inquires.

"No!" Clay and I yell at the same time causing us both to start laughing again.

"What did you guys do then?" George continues. They are all so nosy, I swear.

"We ate McDonald's, talked for hours, watched a movie..." I trailed.

"Yeah, and then we talked more. Until like 3 or 4 in the morning I think? I can't remember because we fell asleep." Clay adds.

"Well, damn. That's boring." Alex laughs.

"Yeah, we thought we were gonna be getting some juicy information out of you guys," Karl comments.

"Sorry to disappoint you guys," I giggle. They all disperse across the house, the excitement definitely leaving the atmosphere.

I grab a Poptart and open up the package. I hear Clay clear his throat and glance at him. He nods in the direction of the hallway. He leaves the kitchen, and I follow him back to his room. He shuts the door behind us. I lay on my stomach on his bed again. He does the same on the other side of the bed, facing me.

"I'm sorry for them," he says, annoyance clear in his tone.

"It's okay. I actually thought it was funny," I shrug before taking a bite out of one of my Poptarts.

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