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I wake up to booming laughter outside of my room. I groan, covering my ears with a pillow. I eventually roll over and check the time. It's 2:07 PM.

Holy shit, this is the latest I've slept in a long time. 

I throw my legs over the side of the bed, standing up and slipping some shorts on underneath the oversized, wrinkled t-shirt I slept in. I rub my eyes before opening my door and heading out into the living room.

I find Nick, Clay, and George all sitting on the couches. 

"Hey, sleepyhead." Clay greets me with a grin. I plop down next to Nick, laying my head on his shoulder. I feel him tense up a little before he relaxes. The other two look a little shocked, but I am too tired to care.

"How was your first night in your new room?" George chuckles as Nick adjusts to put his arm around me, so we're both more comfortable.

"Good, but I'm still tired," I say as I yawn, "What are we gonna do today?" I ask.

"Well, we were wondering if you were okay with us streaming today," Nick responds.

"Of course," I reply, nuzzling even further into him. I kind of realize that this may be a little weird.

"I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable with my affection, Nick. I get like this with the people I trust, and you just so happened to be the closest person to me when I got into the room." I smile, looking up at him.

He smiles back, "Don't worry, Y/N! I understand."

"Hey, when's it gonna be my turn?" Clay pouts.

"Yeah, I want my Y/N cuddles, too!" George joins in.

I giggle, "You'll both get your turn eventually just be patient!"

"Yeah, be patient! Don't take her away from me!" Nick whines, squeezing me a little bit. We all laugh. 

We spend the next few minutes talking, them telling me how they were planning on doing a train of streams for their fans.

"So wait, not all of you go by your real names online?" I ask, curious. 

I knew a little bit about Minecraft, but I had never heard of any of them before. I guess I've been living under a rock because apparently, they all have a huge following.

"Karl and George are the only ones that go by their first names. I go by Dream like I already mentioned." Clay answers.

"I go by Sapnap, and Alex goes by Quackity," Nick adds.

"Interesting..." I turn my attention to Clay, "And none of your fans have seen your face?" I question curiously.

"Nope. They call themselves stans, by the way. I'll probably face reveal eventually, but I just haven't felt like it was the right time yet." He shrugs.

I stand up to head to the kitchen since I'm starting to get a little hungry. I head for the Poptarts grabbing a package from the blueberry box. I hear the guys make their way into the kitchen as I rip open the package, pulling out one of the Poptarts and taking a bite.

"And these stans... They still are obsessed with you even though they haven't seen your face?" I glance at him, seeing him smirk a little.

"Yup." He says, emphasizing the 'p.'

"They don't need to see his face apparently," Nick adds.

"Ohhh, Dream! I just know you are so hot because of your voice. Pleaaaseeee, if you don't marry George, marry me!!!" George rambles in a really high-pitched voice as I assume he's mocking some of the cringier stans of theirs. Clay wheezes, and Nick laughs.

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