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"Hello?" Nova speaks calmly as she answers the phone. I'm at the park down the street from my house.

I figured it probably wasn't a good idea to drive anywhere while I'm this upset, so I just drove here and decided to sit in my car. I needed to be alone for awhile, too. I finally mustered up the courage to call my best friend, so here we are.

"Nova." I sniffle softly, trying not to freak her out.

"What the fuck is wrong? Why are you crying?" Well, shit. Here come the tears again.

"So much." I mumble through my tears.

"Where are you?" Nova asks, concerned. I hear the jingle of her keys and the slam of a door, signaling to me that she's leaving her house to come to me.

"At the park near my house." I sigh as I continue crying.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes." She promised before hanging up the phone.


"So they were just there on your couch?" She asks, breaking off a couple of pieces of a Hershey's candy bar and handing one of them to me.

"Yeah, and they looked real cozy..." I trail as I pop the bite-sized piece into my mouth. I had finally calmed down enough that I felt at least a bit normal again.

"And your boss was a dick and just fired you out of the blue today?" She questions, chewing her piece of chocolate. I nod as she shakes her head. "Where are you gonna go?"

"I don't fucking know. I have nowhere." I mutter, becoming sad again as I remembered that my parents weren't around here anymore.

"You could go stay with your parents." Nova shrugs. I groaned as she looks at me, confused.

"Drop everything and run 9 hours away to my parents because of life's inconveniences? I don't want to do that. If I move in with them temporarily, I won't want to come back, and I can't live with them forever."

Nova sighs, "I guess you have a point... You could come stay with my mom and me until you find another place. It's just that you'll have to sleep on the couch..."

This was not an idea that I wanted to consider. Nova helps take care of her ailing grandmother who lives with them while her mother works to pay their bills. I didn't want to put any more of a burden on them. Their life was hard enough already, and I didn't need to complicate it even more.

I lean over and break off another piece of the Hershey's bar she has in her hand. "I don't want to cause any stress on you and your mom, so I'm not going to stay with you. And don't try to even convince me to give in," I assert, giving her a stern glance as I pop the chocolate into my mouth.

"Okay, fine. I do have one other idea though." Nova adds, sounding a bit unsure.

I take a sip from my Monster as the chocolate was making me thirsty. "At this point, I think I'm so desperate that I will stay anywhere."

Not really, but you know what I mean. I am not going to be living in that house anymore for obvious reasons, so I need somewhere to stay. That or I will be sleeping in my car until I can find a new job and a new place.

"So my brother and I have this childhood friend who's got an extra room." She shrugs.

"Are you serious?" I perk up, realizing this might be an answer to my problems. Or, at least, a temporary fix to them.

"Well, there's only one little thing...." She trails off, hesitant as she looks out the window.

"What is it?" I urge her to explain.

"Well... He lives with 4 other guys. I don't know them, but Karl is a really good guy. Maybe we can go meet them together and just scope things out to see if it could work at least until you get on your feet again?" She explains.

I take a second to weigh out all of the options in my head again.

I could go back to the house I share with Molly.

I could live in my car for God knows how long.

Or I could go meet these 5 strangers I've never met before and see if they will let me live with them.

Somehow, I think the last option sounds like the best out of the three even though it is a bit insane.

"I guess we can do that. I mean I am kind of desperate," I shrug as I chug the rest of my Monster.

"Are you sure, Y/N?" She questions, pursing her lips.

"Go call Karl." I tell her. She smiles and gets out of the car. I see her pacing around outside, smiling and laughing at the Karl guy she is speaking to on the phone.

Eating another piece of chocolate, I can't help but think about how crazy this idea is, but at this point in my life, nothing has been going as planned, so I'm kind of to the point where I'll try anything to make my life less stressful.

I lean my head on the back of my seat, sighing. This has been the hardest month of my life. Not even just because all of the bad shit that has happened.

I have come to a realization this month that I've pushed away these past 21 years of my life. That realization was that life isn't always going to go the exact way you planned for it to go. I guess part of me has always known that, but I just didn't want to accept it. Because I've always been so meticulous in my past and that got me really hurt, I think I really just want to be spontaneous now.

You know, live on the edge, do some things I never would have thought of doing before. Like moving in with 5 men I've never met before.

Maybe it's a little too much for my first step of spontaneity, but it's too late to think about that now.

Nova opens the door. "I'm gonna drive separately. Just follow me there," she explains as I nod. She hops into her car, and we both speed out of the parking lot.


"Are you nervous?" She asks, grinning at me as we make our way up the walkway to their front door.

"A little, but I'm going into this with a bit more of a relaxed attitude than I would have in the past. I mean, ya know, considering my circumstances." I shrug, emphasizing my level of calmness in the situation.

She pats me on the back as we stop at the front door. "I'm proud of you!" She exclaims. We glance at each other before I reach and knock on the door.

After a few seconds, a man with floppy brown hair greets us with a big smile. "Hi! Come on in!" He beams, creating a path for us to make our way into the cozy house.

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