【Chapter 12】

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❝ 𝐀𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦. ❞


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*𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯*

The sun was going down to rest as the moon become more visible in the darkening sky. Stars were soon to be seen in the sky as they twinkled near the moon to keep it company. The flapping of wings could be heard onto the clouds as (Y/N) flew steadily as possible as to not awaken the sleeping male.

Although (Y/N) got anywhere quicker while flying, getting to the Kingdom of Edinburgh was a long way from Liones. Though it took an hour to even getting close to their borders, it was definitely of what he remembered.

Sure, the last time he saw it the kingdom was in a literal fire with vampires coming out from their seal and attacking the people of the kingdom, but it wasn't a big dark purple blob. (Y/N) sweatdropped as he stopped flying to see the whole destroyed kingdom covered in a purple blob, damn did he think they were powerful edgy teens.

His lips held their usual playful smirk as his eyes shone like the stars in the night sky, his face shining from the moon's blessings. Holding on tighter to the brown-haired male that he was holding, (Y/N) dove down towards the destroyed kingdom as he landed on a small hill slightly near them. 

Glancing down at the male that he was holding, (Y/N) sighed as signs of concern made their way onto his youthful face. Sure he was scared for Astrophel, even though he knew that he was strong, but he also knew that he wasn't strong enough to even face the now dead Galand.

Looking back up he quickly buried Astrophel's face deeper onto his clothes as he struts forwards towards where only two commandments could be seen.  Putting on a bright smile, (Y/N) pulled out one of his hands as he waved it around in the air and made sure that the two commandments could feel his presence, on which they did.

Turning around, Gloxinia was surprised to see the beloved (Y/N) back, and so was Estarossa. Both of them stood still on their place as their faces were frozen in nothing but shock, but soon Gloxinia snapped out of it as he started to cry and quickly flew towards the (H/C)-haired male as he wrapped his thin arms around (Y/N) torso and buried his face on it as quite sounds of crying could be heard coming from him, even (Y/N) could feel his tears began to spread.

"(Y-Y/N)!" Gloxinia exclaimed as he clung tighter to the taller male. Estarossa was still frozen in his place but soon got out of it as he began to run towards the smiling male and tackled him onto the ground. "(Y/N)! Finally, your back!" Estarossa sobbed as his snot made its way onto (Y/N) shirt. 

Although (Y/N) was not at all happy with all the hugging and ruining his clothes, he still let them be and smiled down at them. "Hey, guys. Been a while, huh? Though I do have something to ask of you two. Can you both get off of me? Not that I don't enjoy this and all but I'm currently carrying someone and I think you're making him scared from not being able to see what's going on." (Y/N) asked them both, his smile becoming gentle. 

Both Gloxinia and Estarossa looked at each other before looking down only to see that (Y/N) was really carrying someone bridal-style, and it was a boy, and this certain boy was now wide awake and ready to hide inside the clothes of his crush.

Gloxinia puffed his cheeks as he got closer to the scared male with a threatening glare. "Who the hell are you, human?" Gloxinia spat as he becomes dangerously close to the scared human. Estarossa, too, joined in and got close to the male. "Your (Y/N) human-pet or something? Don't worry, you won't last long with someone like (Y/N). When he's in bed no human can survive such pleasures." Estarossa sneered at the male as he got closer to his (Y/N) chest.

(Y/N) chuckled as he got up with him still carrying Astrophel. "Both of you, I know it's been a while and all, but please don't go and insult my friend." (Y/N) warned them both as his eyes began to shine. Both Estarossa and Gloxinia sigh and nod, "Why is this human with you, (Y/N)?" Gloxinia asked his lover as he stepped forward to get a closer look at his future victim.

Estarossa did too as he smiled down at the scarred male. "Though, more importantly, why are you even touching such filth?" Estarossa spat with venom at the male, though his dark smile was still intact.

The (H/C)-haired male sighed as he sat down Astrophel gently on the ground, though he only went behind his crush and hid. Laughing, (Y/N) glanced over at the shy male and back to the two jealous hotties.

"Shouldn't you be asking why am I here?" (Y/N) grinned as he went closer to the two, which they like but the shy male did not. Estarossa nodded his head before looking back up at the long-time god that he worshipped.

"None of that matters, (Y/N). For now, all that matters is that you're here, back to where you belong, even if you're with someone like a human." Gloxinia smiled up at the male as he turned forward to where most of the commandments auras could be sensed.

"Today, we should all celebrate in thanks to your safe return. Gloxinia, go and get the others and announce that someone special has arrived." Estarossa ordered at the former Fairy King. Gloxinia nodded and opened up his wings and took flight.

Seeing Gloxinia now disappear, Estarossa turns towards (Y/N) and gave him a loving smile. "(Y/N)... why did you leave me?" Estarossa whimpered as he pitifully looked up at the male as he got close to him. (Y/N) frowned and let out a sigh, "Didn't want to, tried to protest about it but before I could I was knocked out cold from, yours truly, former captain of the Ten Commandments." (Y/N) answered him in a tired tone. 

Estarossa heard this as he immediately took off his jacket and placed it around the (H/C)-haired male. "Sorry, you must be tired from the amount of flying that you were doing. Leave Astrophel to me and I'll wake you up once everyone arrives." Estarossa offered the (E/C)-eyed male, though (Y/N) just shook his head as he made his way over to a leaf.

"Sorry, Esti, but I know you well enough that you wouldn't mind traumatizing someone so I think hell sleep with me in the meantime." (Y/N) took down his offer and made his way over to a still alive big leaf.

Estarossa blushed from the old nickname that he yearned to hear for so long, though cleared his throat as he looked away from the settling male. "Then at least let me accompany you to sleep." Estarossa again offered to (Y/N), though he just shook his head again.

"Sorry, Esti. Maybe later, for now, I and Astrophel want to rest. Please wake me up when they are arriving, okay?" (Y/N) asked the white-haired sad male. Estarossa nodded and sat next to the laying (Y/N).

"You didn't say not to sit next to you." Estarossa whispered, though (Y/N) heard it and sighed. Laying down on the thick leaf, (Y/N) cradled Astrophel closer to him as (Y/N) could feel his body heat radiated from him and warm him up. 

(Y/N) was used to hugging other people closely, but something about this made him calmer. He couldn't describe it, but it was weird. Oh well, it cant be anything too serious. Right?

(ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀʏ/ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ!)

(ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀʏ/ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ!)

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