Take me home

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A/N: sorry this is shit, I just liked the idea. The song is called I didn't know by saywecanfly

Being in witness protection sucked, you couldn't remember how long it had been, honestly you had lost track of the time, but you knew it had been a good few months, maybe even a year, who knew?

While sitting on the counter of your work place, you had a guitar resting in your lap as you stared at the window, watching the waves in the distance. Perks of having a store near the sea.

You sighed, pulling your phone out of your pocket, you slipped your case off and pulled a picture out.

It was a picture of Jake smiling while sliding across the office on some water.

"I'm really sorry Jake..." you sighed.

Picking up the guitar, you lightly strummed and took a deep breath, unaware of the door opening.

"I didn't know going into this
Just how much my heart would miss yours
I didn't know what the hell to say
'Cause I lost my words when I saw your face
I didn't know how to form my though
'Cause I was so caught up in the way you talk to me
I didn't know going into this
Just how much my heart would miss yours
Just how much my heart would miss yours..."

You took another deep breath quickly before you carried on.

"...Well I don't know you, but I still miss you
Every single day..."

You felt someone watching you so you flicked your gaze up to meet with a very familiar pair of warm browns ones looking back.

You were in shock by a soft smile quickly spread across your face.

"...I hope you're out there waiting for me
I hope you tell me all your stories
I hope I catch you watch the California sunset sparkle in your eyes
Sparkle in your... Eyes..."

Jake walked even closer until he was stood in front of you, a brightly smile on his face.

"....I didn't know you yesterday
When I was too fucked up to pretend I'm okay
I didn't know it was 6 AM
By the time we went to bed
I didn't know how I'd miss this place
Where I packed my bags and I took that plane away
Well, now I know you, but I still need you
Every single day
I hope you're out there waiting for me
I hope you tell me all your stories
I hope I catch you watch the California sunset sparkle in your eyes
I hope you're out there waiting for me
I hope you tell me all your stories
I hope I catch you watch the California sunset sparkle in your eyes
Sparkel in your eyes..."

When you finished you set the guitar down and threw yourself into Jakes arms, burying your face into the crook of his neck as tears slipped down your face.

Jake wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on the top of your head, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"Oh my god.." he whispered, "I didn't think I would be able to find you... they said you were here but I looked everywhere and you weren't in the list of places I had..."

You sniffles and pulled away, pressing your hands to the sides of his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything.. I just left..."

"I understand why, you're safe now, you can come home."

You sighed and Jake placed his hand over yours making you look up.

"I missed you so much babe."

You quickly leant up and slammed your lips on to his in a rough kiss that he eagerly returned.

Now you could get back to your life, and you didn't have to stay away from Jake anymore

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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