Chapter 9

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The time came for Effie to return to the Capitol. She was three month pregnant by this time, and it wasn't very visible. Clinging to Haymitch she wept into his shirt, to scared to return, he stroked her hair reassuringly. She had yet to put her wig on, to look the Capitol part.
"Darling, it will be okay. " Haymitch said.
"No it won't. Once I enter the Capitol they will know I am pregnant, they can tell, they have the technology and they will kill it, and you." She hit her fist against his chest lightly and collapsed to her knees, head in hands.
"No, I won't let them. " He said kneeling to her height, and holding her tightly. "Now, should we go upstairs and get you packed Eff?"
She nodded tentatively, eyes red raw from crying, arms cradled protectively round her stomach. Haymitch helped her get packed and he helped dress her and put on her wigs and makeup in a desperate attempt to appear normal. Once she was ready he took her to the train station, and she faked her Capitol accent as she said goodbye, but the hurt was visible in her sea blue eyes.
Effie soon arrived at the Capitol and she was exhausted from travelling and crying. She got off the train, nervous of what was to become of her and her child. She was scanned by peacekeepers upon entry to the Capitol. They would know now. She headed on home to her small apartment in the centre of the city, expecting to be summoned by President Snow anytime soon. When the doorbell rang she had fallen asleep at the table, and got up shaking to them door.
"Miss Trinket, we need you to come with us." Two peacekeepers said. She didn't resist but was led willingly by them , into a large car. The drive to the President's mansion wasn't long, but Effie was so nervous that it felt like a century.
She got out the car and walked up to the big wooden doors and entered when they swung open in front of her eyes.
"This way, Miss Trinket." One of the peacekeepers said pointing to a door and the end of the corridor. She nodded and headed over, then knocked, waiting for a reply. "Come in."
Effie walked into the room and faced Snow, the stench of poison filled the room. "It's a pleasure Miss Trinket, please sit." He said beckoning to the chair in front of him. " I know about your pregnancy. And I know who the father is and it is not to my liking. A Capitol citizen with one of the victors! It's outrageous. However I am willing to let the child live, if the public never find out and you leave him after the child is born. You can go back to District Twelve for the duration of your pregnancy, and stay with Haymitch. You will return for the annual Hunger Games after your child is born. That is all, you may leave and a hovercraft will return you to twelve shortly."
Effie got up, without a word, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, already wet with despair. How was she going to cope with this?

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