Chapter 5

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Effie giggled as Haymitch opened the door to his house and swept her into his arms, spinning her round. She squealed and pressed her lips to his softly. She reached up with one hand, the other still wrapped around his neck, and yanked the garish wig off her head, letting her soft blonde locks fall to her shoulders. "I've missed you Eff." He says resting his head on her shoulder. She leant her head so it was resting against his. "I know, I've missed you too. I am the escort for District 12 and it means we get to see each other every year." Haymitch sighed, " I just wish I could see you more. I wish we were allowed to be with each other but we can't because laws say that Capitol escorts cannot be with tributes or victors." She looked at him sorrowfully, " I wish that too, but for now we can just make the most of what we have. One day we can be together and have no restrictions. It just might be a while till that day though." Haymitch pulled Effie into his arms. "Do you want to go upstairs to bed?" He asked, Effie grinned up at him, nodding. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his torso and laid her down on his bed, kissing her passionately, she returned the kiss with equal forcefulness.
They woke up the next morning, intertwined beneath the sheets, Effie's head resting on Haymitch's chest. "Morning." Haymitch said in a tired voice. "Morning." She replied turning her head to kiss him softly on the lips and giggling. Suddenly her eyes widened, " Wait, what is the time? We have to get to the reaping!". They looked at the clock, 9.30 it read, the reaping was at 10.15. They scrambled out of bed and hurriedly got dressed, Effie into her extravagant outfits, excessive makeup and pink wig and Haymitch wore a suit. They hurried down the steps and headed to the justice building in a car, away fro people of district 12 who might attack her for reaping their children. She saw all the children gathered in the centre as she ascended the stairs up to the stage. She glanced downwards nervously. This was her first year, she'd been training five years for this but hadn't ever expected to feel this scared. "Welcome! Welcome, Welcome." She said in her high pitched fake Capitol accent. "Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour. now before we begin we have a very special film brought to you all the way from the Capitol." The film played, explaining the reason for the games. "I just love that!" She says, trying to sound as convincing as possible." Ladies first." She started to head towards the reaping ball full of the names of the female children aged 12-18. She reached in tentatively and shuffled the slips of paper, before finally drawing one and peeling the tape back. She unfolded it hesitantly. "Charlotte Mason." A tall gangly girl stepped out, she was from the back, one of the 18 year olds. She had her head hung low, I could see now that she had no chance, she was awkward and clumsy. Effie sighed quietly and headed the the boys dish. She selected one again and opened it. "Marcus Smith." A twelve year old boy walked up to the stage, he was small and weak looking. Twelve had no chance. "And there you go. Our wonderful tributes from twelve. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour." She then proceeded to walk off the stage. Haymitch was waiting for her backstage and she threw herself into his arms, sobbing. "I can't do this Haymitch, I can't send innocent children to their deaths." Haymitch replied, "I'm sorry sweetheart, so, so sorry." He said burying his face into her shoulder. They stood there and embraced until they had to board the train to the Capitol.

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