Chapter 10

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Effie was sent back to District 12, nervous about the next few months, but also excited that she would get to spend them with Haymitch. The Hovercraft set down outside the victors village, and once it was on the ground the door opened and Effie stepped out, bags fully packed for her long stay. Haymitch came to the door, confused, but smiled when he saw Effie coming towards him. He rushed to help her carry her bags, afraid she might injure herself. When they both got inside the Hovercraft left, leaving them alone. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Effie was it okay? Is the baby?" He said, nervously.
"No it was fine, I can't say much, just have it for what it is. Just know I love you." Effie said, extremely close to tears.

The next few months passed in a blur, and Haymitch and Effie were having the time of their life, considering it was the longest period of time they had actually spent together. Effie was now eight, nearly nine months pregnant, and the baby was due in just over a month, which made Effie upset when she remembered she would have to return to the Capitol. Over this month Haymitch continued to look after her, forcing her to be in bed most of the time, because Effie was determined to be doing things. He would go and fetch her food from the local shops and markets. She couldn't leave the house, because if anyone from district twelve recognised her they would know that she was pregnant and then so would the whole world.

It drew very close to Effie's last couple of weeks, until she had the baby, and she was afraid of what would happen after, she had no idea of what President Snow's plan was with the baby. Haymitch had gone to go and get food. She felt nerved us being alone and had a strange feeling about today. That's when she felt a sharp pain in her stomachs. She was confused, because she was not due until next fortnight. That's when she heard it, the loud whir of a hovercraft outside, come to collect her. Two peacekeepers marched in and grabbed her arms and marched her out into the Hovercraft. President Snow was standing in the entrance to the hovercraft.
"Lovely to see you Miss Trinket, how has your stay been?"
"Good." That is all she replied before doubling over as a searing pain ripped across her stomach.
"It would appear that Miss Trinket is in labour, we need to get her to the emergency room now."

Meanwhile, Haymitch who had just returned home looked up to see the Hovercraft returning to the Capitol. He raced into the house, afraid to see what he thought had happened. He screamed her name, but when there was no response he broke down crying on the bed, where the pillow and covers were still warm. He was afraid he would never see her again, worrying that they would change her District.

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