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The next day, I went out to look for Vlad while, as annoying as it is, waiting for Clockwork to come by with his word. I'm still waiting for Sam and Tucker to return and for Paulina and Jason to come back...

I heard police sirens and decided to follow it. I saw two ambulances as well. What just happened? The police escorted the ambulances safely to the nearest hospital.

I landed in a tree nearby and watched as they pulled out the stretchers. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Sam, Tucker, Jason and Paulina partially bloody on stretchers. I turned invisible and went to where Sam and Tucker was. The other two could die for all I care.

Sam kept muttering something. "Tar...tar..." She kept saying. I touched her cheek with my invisible hand and her eyes snapped open."LET ME GO!" She shouted. The medics quickly calmed her down.

They took her to a room where they inspected her. Tucker was in a bed next to her while Paulina and Jason was at the other side of the room. The doctors came in and did whatever they needed.

"How these two survived the explosion is beyond me." He said. The police stood in the doorway."We got an anonymous tip and followed it and found these teens tied up in a basement." What is Clockwork going for here?

"So the Nasty Burger Explosion was caused by their kidnappers?" The doctor asked."We believe so. We'll be placing these teens under tight surveillance to make sure the kidnappers won't come back."

"Can we at least let the families involved know the kids are safe?" The doctor asked."They're being escorted right now to the hospital." The cop said and then left leaving another cop to guard the door.

Paulina and Jason were passed out along with Tucker. Once the doctor left, I made my presence known to Sam."Danny?" She said looking around."It's me Sammy..." I said trying not to cry."Please, show yourself..." Sam said."I can't... my appearance changed badly..." I said."I know, Danny."

"What?" I asked genuinely confused."How?" I asked."I was there along with Tuck, Danny." She said."Where?" I asked."Long Island...I was pretending to be Ares's daughter."

"Wait what!" I shouted and dropped my invisibility."Shhh." Sam said."You were in that universe that whole time?" I asked."Yeah, Clockwork kept us with him for awhile and then he sent us to the universe where you are a god." Sam said.

"What the actual hell! I'm seriously going to hurt Clockwork one of thes-" Sam cut me off by kissing me."What's going on in there!" I heard the cop outside and turned invisible. Sam just sat and stared at her hands."Everything okay, miss?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Sam said.

That's when everyone's families bursted through the door past the cop going to the beds. Sam and Tucker had their parents while Jason and Paulina had a whole crowd of people around them.

I rolled my eyes at those two assholes. I turned to look at Sam and Tucker. Sam was bombarded by her parents with questions that came flying from left and right while Tucker's parents sat quietly, crying over Tucker's body.

I'm happy for them, but I need to stay here to make sure Vlad doesn't try anything to get to them. He'll try to get revenge on me for exposing him.

It was getting late so I went to the roof to make a call. Pulling out my phone, I called Helda to tell her the news. She was thrilled. Sam and Tucker are safe and sound that's all I care about.

I went back to see Sam and Tucker acting pretty much normal and they looked more calm now. Sam's mother didn't stop showering Sam with love while her dad couldn't stop crying.

Tucker's parents got in to bed with him and held each other close. I genuinely felt happy for once. This whole venture is one crazy roller coaster. I saw way too much for a average fourteen year old with powers.

Book1 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Unavoidable Future Is Set Where stories live. Discover now