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I looked at Frostbite who was laughing his butt off."Did I miss something?" I asked."No, Great One. Just relax. I do have a few questions." He said."Shoot." I said sitting up straight and leaning onto my pillow.

"What happened to you? When we found you, you were covered in wounds from head to toe." Frostbite said pointing at the bandages on my body."Oh that...yeah, I exposed Vlad to get Sam and Tucker back and he wanted revenge and it lead to a fight." I said.

"And you took care of him?" Frostbite asked."Of course. The Guys in White has him. I escaped." I answered."So they are after you?" Frostbite said."Yep." I said."And now you are hiding in the Ghost Zone where they won't find you?"

"Exactly. There's no way that they'll send more agents in here after the first time they tried it. I scared them off and Walker and Skulker, unbeknownst by them, helped me in the end." I said.

"Hmm. Mind explaining why your aura feels a bit different?" Frostbite asked."That's a long story. Vlad wanted to punish me but it resulted in Phantom going nuts and taking Vlad's ghost half and fused back into my human half. After that, Vlad redid my accident on himself and got his powers back."

"I've noticed some new scars that wasn't there last time...like the one on your arm." Frostbite said."Just go talk to Clockwork. He practically caused it." I answered "Is that all?" I added.

"Yes, you rest up." Frostbite said. I smiled and nodded at him. He smiled in return and I turned to my side to rest. I didn't sleep but I didn't want to stand up either so...in bed I stay.

I couldn't stop thinking of Sam and Tucker... They're back. They really are here like nothing happened. I smiled knowing that things can get better. They're safe and it's all I care about. When I return, I'm going ask Sam to go out on a date with me.

When I do return, I have to get something that can hide my ecto-signature and a disguise. One that would be obvious to Sam and Tucker and then one that won't let me stand out in a crowd.

I can restart my life. New name, new face and new beginning. A whole new chapter. I smiled thinking of my best friends and our future.

I seriously hate Clockwork, though. None of this mess would've happened if he didn't interfere but then again...no...he interfered with other dimensions a lot and didn't lift a finger for mine.

The only reason he interfered in the first place was because he needed something from me and he had something that would've forced me to do it. Next time he wouldn't be able to though.

Unless, he is going to bring back my parents and sister and Mr. Lancer too.

I have lots of questions regarding my birth parents. What could've been that bad that my mom had to adopt both me and Jazz? It just doesn't make sense.

On top of that, wouldn't the threat that forced them to give Jazz and I up, be after us now? Something isn't adding up here and what's starting to make my blood boil is the fact that only Clockwork has those answers.

I sighed. Life is crap. It's a shit-ass race I don't intend to win. What reward am I going to get for living a good and happy life? It's impossible to have such a life. I would probably get an participation award and that's that.

Congratulations you took part of Life but you could've done better. How do they know I am going to either go to hell or heaven when I die? What monk came up with that...

Now I'm thinking too much. My head hurts! I grabbed it into my hands and turned to my other side and closed my eyes. It didn't take long for sleep to kick in.

Book1 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Unavoidable Future Is Set Where stories live. Discover now