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Please read an at the end of chapter to explain a couple of things. If you have questions, please ask away so that I can know that I can fix the story in that area to make it to make more sense. Chao!! Enjoy the story!!

I was back at school and I walked in with confidence. Everyone stared at me with shock. I walked into Mrs. Wenchester class and she too was shock."Daniel, you seem happy today." Mrs. Wenchester said."Something like that." I said and she was now really shocked when she heard my voice."Someone hit puberty."  She joked."Something like that." I said again.

The day was uneventful and Henry was going to be late again to today since he has to get the cars that was being washed back at Vlad's Mansion. I felt the urge to kill something. What to kill? I saw someone in particular. Jason. I transformed and turned invisible. I touched his shoulder while invisible. He turns around and saw nothing. I tapped his shoulder again and he was knocked unconscious. I picked up his body and went to the school basement. I found some rope and a old kitchen chair. I tied him up and stripped him from his clothes. I just sliced his jeans into shorts. Now I was waiting for him to wake up in the shadows.

After around five minutes he woke up."Wha-where am I?" He asked as he woke up."Finally your awake." I said from the shadows."Who's there?!" He shouted."Where are my clothes?! Where am I? Why am I here?! Why are my legs bleeding?!"He started to shout."Please do stop with the shouting."I said as I came out a little out of the shadow."Your legs are bleeding because when I gave your jeans a trim and did the same to your legs."I felt my tongue was now like a serpent tongue."Let me go!!" He shouted.

"HELP!!!" He shouted."No one is here to help you." I said as I walked fully into the light."P-phantom?" Jason stuttered."Hello, Jason." I said."How'd y-you know m-my name?" He asked fearfully as he looked at my face."I go to school here in a humanoid form and you and your little buddies, bullied me everyday. Oh and when I said buddies, I used it loosely." I said."The only person we bullied everyday was Fenton." He said and he realized what he has done."Oh no, please. We won't touch you again or even think of it!" He pleaded."And why should I listen to your pleas. You never listen to mine." I said as I used a ecto blade to make cuts on his arms and legs and his bare chest."Gaaahhh!!" He shouted.

"Hmm, I bet the GIW wanted to hear me scream like that if they manage to capture me." I said as I phased him out of the chair and immediately ecto rope captured him on a beam by his hands."Well, now I have a better view." I said as I smirked showing him my fangs. He grew fearful and his face lost color almost immediately."Ahh, fear. I love it. You know why I turned?" I asked and he was quiet."I turned because of you and your buddies. Thanks to my arch nemesis I have his powers now. I have two cores now. Fire and Ice. He's ghost in me and now he is the weakest and I don't the strongest." I explained and he looked shocked at me with a mixture of fear."Do you want to know a secret?" I asked and he nodded his head."Good choice." I said.

"Vlad Masters and Vlad Plasmius is the same person. I have his ghost half in me. I'm powerful now. I think you've heard enough. Now to end it." I said as I made my blade longer and I stabbed him in his stomach."GAAHH!!" He screamed in pain before he started to throw up his blood. His head eventually fell limply and he was dead. I cleaned the blood that had spattered on my suit and phased out of the basement. I transformed back at the bathrooms and walked outside where Henry was waiting for me in the Ford."Hello Master Dan, how was your day of school?" Henry asked."Fun." I answered and I climed into the car.

We were at the gate when Henry started to get weary."Uh, Master Dan, please do not disturb Master Vlad since he is trying to figure out why he can't transform." He said. I smirked and was trying not laugh at Vlad's own stupidity."Okay, I won't bother the old goose." I said and he chuckled at my joke. He stopped in front of the mansion and I climed out. I walked into the big front door and immediately I was grabbed."Daniel, did your ghost sense went off?" He asked. Should I tell him? Nah, I'm going to keep playing with him."Uh, yes?" I said with a little bit of uncertainty."See, I still must have my powers. So why can't I transform or us them?!" He shouted."I don't know, anyway, I don't going to stay out of your way since you're now on that emotional train wreck so, see ya!" I said."Wouldn't want to be ya." I said in a whisper to myself and went to my room where I continued playing the Batman game. Seriously who came up with this?! This is so cool."Master Dan, do you need something from the kitchen?" Henry asked."Uh, yes. Please bring me a 2 liter bottle of coke!" I said. He stared shockingly at me."I really need the sugar." I said and he nodded.

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