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Hey guys. Updates will be slow to all my stories. I managed to make three chapters so you won't be as tortured as Danny
I'm going to go to school. Why? One because I don't want to draw suspicion to myself that I'm the one who killed Jason. Number two, I have a list that needs to be completed. The hardest ones are going to be Valarie and Vlad. I'm going to need a plan for those two then. Well, for one I can torture them and kill them in the Ghost Zone and dump their bodies somewhere. I went to the front doors of the school. I walked in and pictures of Jason was everywhere around school. So if the Jock dies everyone is sad and depressed, but as soon as someone's entire family dies including a teacher then some of them would laugh behind your back. This world is sick. The ghosts in the Ghost Zone has way more respect than these nit twits!

I just looked angry the whole time. My eyes were glowing a little. I looked into my phone screen and saw my one eye glowing red and the other green."HEY FENTON!" I turned around knowing it is Dash. He looked angry and his eyes were red and puffy. You know, the same way I looked a few days ago."What?" I growled."Shut up!" He said. I lifted my eyebrow in confusion."Who killed Jason?" He asked in a dark tone."How the fuck should I know?" I growled back. He picked me up by my shirt."You were the last one at school." He said showing me a video on Kwan's phone of me climbing into the car."Oh, so I should know everything that has happened in the school. Guess what?" He said."What?" He growled."Just turn around." I said and there he stared into the angry eyes of Mrs. Wenchester and Mrs. Ishiyama."Dashiel. What did I say?" Mrs. Ishiyama started."..." They stood quiet."Put him down." Mrs. Wenchester said."Dan, would you like to do something?" Mrs. Wenchester said."Uh, thank you?" I said unsure."Dashiel. If I see anyone of you A-Listers near Daniel, then you're expelled. This bullying is stopping now." Mrs. Ishiyama said and the three of us walked off.

Guess who's next?



Dash's sweetheart. He'll be to depressed to think about me or anything else for that matter. Thanks Dash, your helping not just me but Sam too. If she was only here. A world without Paulina would be great for her. Where can I torture her? The gym? Maybe. The classes isn't going to be used for any torture or anything. If I'm correct she has cheerleading practice later today. The gym it is or at least in the locker room.


I turned invisible as soon as I was out of sight. I flew to the gym where loud music was blasting from. There I saw no cheerleading practice. I saw Paulina and Star...and only them under the bleachers. Say what? Lesbians? Have nothing against it but isn't she dating Dash as well. This is all kinds of wrong then. Before you ask yes they are only kissing. I got tired of it quickly. I saw Star's phone. I went to her messages and went to the one that is her father's. Oh this is going to be good. I typed to her her father that she must get home urgent because she has to much homework and has to study for a really hard test for Business Class.

Five seconds later after I sent the message a call came through."Mmm, it's my dad." Star said as she pulled away. She answered the phone. Thankfully she was clothed."Hello?" She started."Uh, okay. I'll be waiting at the stairs." She said with a frown."What's wrong?" Paulina asked."Apparently I said my dad should pick me up now or I'll get behind with study and homework." Star said."He is already on his way. I should go." Star said giving one last kiss to Paulina. Paulina smiled and nodded. Star was quickly outside. Paulina walked into the gym locker room for the girls. I locked the door behind her. I went to Star. I have to wait until she is gone. Paulina's definitely a huge screamer. Five minutes later she was gone. I flew back to the gym and saw Paulina trying to open the door. I landed behind her and lost my invisibility."Come on! I don't want to be alone at school!" Paulina said angrily as she tried to open the door."It's no use." I said and she got startled and her back was no against the door."Phantom? What happened to your look? Why's your voice so deep? Can you help me?" She kept asking. I rolled my eyes."Now why would I help a bully of someone really close to me who recently disappeared?" I asked her."Jason?" She asked."Nope. Samantha Manson." I said and her eyes widen."The Goth Freak?!" She shouted in anger."What's so special about her?" Paulina asked.

Book1 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Unavoidable Future Is Set Where stories live. Discover now