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Danny's POV
I was out of breath. I just returned from the future and started to fight of Dan but he was too powerful."Give it up Danny. Your future is inevitable. I'm inevitable so will you." He said."The future isn't set in stone." I growled as I stood up weakly only to be shot down again."Your time is running out." He mocked me."No." I gasped for air. I stood up and used my Ghostly Wail. Dan was sent into a oil truck."That's impossible! I don't get that power ten years from now!" Dan said as he stood up."Like I said. The future isn't set in stone." I said and we started again. I heard the nozzle of the boiler breaking. I turned around to see their frightened faces before the explosion occurred."NOOOOO!!!!" I shouted. That's it! I'm killing him! My mind spaced out while I managed to kill Dan somehow. When my mind came out of it I see my hands full of Dan's blood. I changed back to my human form and started to search for my family.

"Please be alive!!" I shouted as I dug through the rubble. I saw a black gloved hand sticking out."Dad!!" I shouted as I lifted the concrete off of his body. Once I did I saw his body not moving a inch. His eyes was lifeless. His mouth hang open in mid scream. I looked around him to see Jazz and Mom's bodies."NOOOOO!!!" I shouted. I felt a pair of hnads on my shoulders. I turned to see a officer."Kid, come on. Nice and easy." He said and he took me away to his car."My...family." I cried."There, there. Don't worry kid. Everything is going to okay." He said as he wrapped me around in a blanket. Where was Sam and Tucker's bodies? There were there too. Are they alive? Did they escape? If so, then where are they? I looked around me too see people gathering around the scene. There I saw Sam and Tucker's parents worried sick. Soon more people showed up and most of them I recognized. Dash, Paulina and everyone else in the neighborhood. Wait. Where's Mr Lancer's body?

I saw the crime scene cleaners pulling out four body bags. One I recognized as my dad, then my mom and Jazz. The last came out and it looked...heavy like my dad's body.

Mr Lancer.

I failed.

I failed them. I failed my obsession. I started to cry again. Why did I have to get my powers?! Why did my family, friends and teacher had to suffer because of me?! I was losing it. Bit by bit. Surely but slowly. Piece by piece.

I heard one specific voice and I recognized it as Vlad's voice. My anger boiled again. He was partially the cause of this. I hate him. I hate everything. Vlad walked over to me and I glared at him."Little Badger. I'm your legal guardian now. Please come with me." He said."No." I growled."What?" He said."I said no!" I said a little louder."What is happening here?" The same officer asked that helped me."Nothing." Vlad said. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder."HEY LET ME GO!!" I shouted."Oh, you know kids. Especially him. His so stubborn." Vlad said and the officer just let it go. I heard Dash laughing. I'm so sick of this!

I looked to see if anyone was looking. I lifted up my index finger in a gun type of way and fired a beam."OUCH!!" He shouted. I smirked as Vlad carried me away. Everyone looked at Dash. That felt kinda good.

No. Must not give in. Must not give up. If I wanted to be evil, I would've embraced Vlad's offer and would've let Dan kill them...which he succeeded in. I sighed. I'm never going to feel their love again...or any other love. Vlad threw me in his BMW and he started to drive."Why can't you just leave me alone?!" I shouted as I turned intangible only for Vlad to press a button and my intangibility flickered away."HEY!!" I shouted."Your not going anywhere. I'm going to look after you and be your guardian. That means your under my roof and my rules." He said. My eyes glowed green in anger."Don't give me the scary eyes." He said looking into the rear mirror. Fuck him.

"You'll never be my caretaker!!" I said."It isn't your choice. Your just fourteen. What would you know?" He said. I thought of future Vlad. Will he really realise what a fool he was? Not if I split his ghost half and human half...that could lead to bad things so I'm not doing it. I'm just gonna have to escape from him. Start a new life and he won't be there to see it.

He stopped in front of his mansion and he climbed out. He opened my door and I stuck my head out."Come on, get out." He said a hint of impatience in his voice. I climbed out and he closed the door as a man in a suit came out and took the keys of the car. He climbed in and drove to the garage."I have prepared you a room. My butler will show you the way." He said as a old man came walking in."Hello, Master Vlad." He said in a British accent."Hello Henry. Please show Daniel to his room. I'll be in my study." Vlad said and I glared up at him."As you wish, Master Vlad." He said and we went our separate ways. The butler showed me to the room where I'm staying and it looked okay."Master Daniel?" He said."Please call me Da-" I stopped."Call you what?" He asked nicely.

I smirked."Please call me, Dan."

Book1 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Unavoidable Future Is Set Where stories live. Discover now