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"Bitch please...My middle name is despair." I said."Daniel..." Pandora said in warning."What? She can't be that powerful?" I said only to get caught up in a whip like rope.

"You're coming with me..." She said. I didn't look impressed by the slightest. "Hey...I did nothing wrong. I saw Exodus getting attacked and I helped him. Why am I the bad guy all of the sudden?"

"You're the one who stopped Pariah Dark when he escaped...I'm not letting you go." She said and then there was a cloud of green smoke.

I was dropped to the floor. I was tied up and tied up real good. I looked around to see where the frick I am. The place reminded me of those strongholds in Mad Max.

Everything was made from scrap or looked old due to rust."Danny Phantom!" I turned to my stomach to see I was in a throne room. Misery Vex sat on a throne and Exodus stood next to her with his weapon in hand.

"Why am I here?" I groaned bored. I somehow managed to get onto my knees."Also why does Exodus look human? Is he a halfa?" I asked.

That only got Misery to put her blade against m throat. She's hella fast. Might as well call her Miss. Flash.

I looked bored at her."How'd you defeat Pariah?" She asked."With a whole bucket load of energy. Seriously, one more minute and I would have been dead." I said. She raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"More than I am." I commented."Why was he released in the first place? He was locked up and put into a forever sleep." She said."You know.. there's this guy. He wanted to use the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage to gain more power." I said.

"And then I stopped him."

"Pariah went to attack the human world...why is that?" She asked. I smirked."Probably because he is half human and he had a human life." She pressed the blade closer to my throat."Halfas don't exist." She said.

"That so?" I asked. I transformed bak into my human form and fell through the floor before she could take a swing at me. I appeared next to Exodus, still in my human form, I gave him a punch and made a solid hit.

"Ha! You are human...how did Walker not get to you?" I asked. Misery tried to stab me with her staff but it only passed through me. I walked through her whistling.

"There's no way you are a halfa!" Misery said."Well... that's now not my problem. I transformed back into my ghost form."Here..." I said and took plucked out some hair.

"Test it if you want." I said and left leaving my hair on the floor.

I flew out of there ful speed and made a portal to Pandora's castle. She was startled when I flew through."Daniel! Are you okay?" She asked looking all over my body."I'm fine... question..." I said.

"How come she didn't know I was a halfa?" I asked."They're secluded from the rest of the Ghost Zone, Daniel. How'd you get out?"

"Used my human form...after all, humans are the ghosts in the Ghost Zone. Interesting enough, though. I punched Exodus, in my human form and landed a solid hit. " I said.


"Exodus is human." I said."But...you saw him using ghost powers." Pandora said."Maybe he absorbed the ectoplasm in the Ghost Zone. I bet the moment he steps into the human world, he'll be powerless."

"But I'm seriously not in the mood to fight him. My question is what is a human doing in the Ghost Zone?"

"I don't know. This is the first I'm hearing of this." Pandora said.

Nothing interesting happened. I was probably just to focused on the training but before I knew it, a whole bunch of months passed by like that. I actually lost track of how many months but it probably won't that well with Sam and Tucker for me being gone so long.

Book1 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Unavoidable Future Is Set Where stories live. Discover now