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The boxes held papers and documents. Starnge. I know for an fact that I don't have that much papers. Once I packed all the papers out of Jazz's box I noticed a smaller one inside that took most of the space. I first looked through the papers and saw that it was pictures and small trinkets. I looked at the photos and noticed it wasn't from our family but Jazz was in it as a baby. Weird. I've never seen these people in my life. I placed the photos back in the box and looked through the papers.


Certificates and everything. I read further and saw her last name is actually Blake. What?!!

"WHAT?!" I shouted and Vlad stormed in holding a bat."Daniel!! Why'd you scream?!" He shouted."Jazz is adopted." I said and Vlad dropped the bat he was holding. He stood quiet. Something is wrong. I looked through my box and found the same papers!

"Aaaahhhh!!! I'm also adopted!!!" I shouted."Daniel, calm down. Now, let me explain." He said."Why you?" I asked."Because I know why and everything." He said."Don't care." I said."What?" Vlad asked shocked."Why?" He asked."I could only bring them pain if I know of them. No thanks." I said. I don't want to lose a family from the start. My last name was Wayne. Daniel James Wayne. Why is everything such a huge mess for me?!

"Daniel, your family were to poor to take care of you so you were put up for adoption. They were close friends of Maddie." Vlad said."Urgh!!" I shouted in frustration as I fell down to the bed just staring up at the roof."There's more to tell but not while you are on the emotional wreck train." He said and I knew he was right. If I just find out more about this then I'll probably go crazy."Dinner is ready, Mr Masters." I turned my head to the door to see a maid behind Vlad."Thank you Tiffany." Vlad said and she left."Come, Little Badger. It's time for you to eat." Vlad said."I'm not hungry." I grumbled."Doesn't look like you have eaten in the past months, Daniel! At least eat a little." He said and I sighed as I went to the dining room."Vlad, does your workers know your half ghost?" I asked."Yes, they do. Since they must know what to prepare and when to prepare when I get home from your beating." He said and I couldn't help but to smile.

"Mr Masters, tonight the chef has prepared for you a medium rare steak with baked potatoes and some cooked vegetables on the side." Tiffany said as I walked in."Glorious. Thank you Tiffany." Vlad said and I rolled my eyes. I sat down at the furthest seat away from Vlad. The chef brought in a cart with two plates in. He placed one in from of me and one in front of Vlad."Bon appetite!" He said in a French accent."Can you bring me a glass of Coke, please." I said and the chef looked at Vlad. Vlad sighed and nodded."Why'd you sigh?" I asked."Coke is very unhealthy for you." He said."Yet, you have it in your kitchen." I said."For guests Daniel. I only drink water, juice and one glass of coke." Vlad said.

"I'm not you Vlad."

"So I've seen."

"Here, you are young master." The chef said as he brought me a medium sized glass of coke."Thank you, uh." I stopped when I didn't know his name."Francois." He said."Francois." I said and he nodded and went back into the kitchen. I started to eat onto my piece of steak and a little bit of the baked patatoes."I'm glad your eating Little Badger." Vlad said and I sent him a glare while my eyes glowed green."Don't give me the scary eyes, Daniel." He said doing the same."You listen up Vlad. You are never going to be my dad and I'll never see you as one." I said as my eyes went back to blue. The workers that was waiting at the table was in shock."Daniel, I never said you had to call me your father." He said and I just took a sip from my coke. Once I was done and felt full. I stood up and transformed into Phantom.

The workers were shocked and Vlad glared at me as he stood up."And where are you going?" Vlad growled."I'm going out for a fly. To clear my head." I said as I turned intangible and flew through the roof. I eventually managed to fly to the outside and started to fly on my back looking up at the stars. Suddenly my ghost sense went off. Vlad again. I turned on my stomach and saw it was Clockwork."And what do you want?" I growled."I'm sorry Daniel. No matter in what timeline you are they will die." He said."I don't care! You know why?!" I shouted."Yes." He said."Then tell me!" I shouted."Because you feel you have nothing left that will care for you." He said."That's only half of it and you know what?! I feel like I'm losing my mind and sanity!! So thanks for that!!" I shouted. He stood quiet. I flew in the opposite direction and saw floating eyeballs. I growled at them and shot ecto blasts at them and just flew past them.

Book1 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Unavoidable Future Is Set Where stories live. Discover now