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Oh, their faces was priceless. I still had a smile on my face from after school. Henry must've saw it and he smiled at me."Hello, Master Dan. You look happy today." Henry said as he opened the door for me."Yeah, it's a secret though." I said and he chuckled as he closed the door. He got in the driver seat and he started the car."So how's Vlad?" I asked."Still like this morning and yesterday, Master Dan." Henry answered. The more Vlad freaks out the more I would most likely to make him see that he was wrong and that he was going to pay for it.

The mansion inside looked like a hurricane totaled it."Vlad!!!" I shouted and immediately he ran downstairs."Daniel! Transform quickly!!" He shouted."What?" I asked."Why?" I added."Skulker is here and now that he knows I'm not a Halfa anymore he's going to get you." He said and Skulker busted through the roof."Hello Whelp. Looks like Plasmius isn't going to protect you now." He said as I looked at him with a neutral face. I yawned. Henry and Vlad looked shockingly at me."Listen Skulker. I may be in a depressed mood now, with my current situation but I just know I also have rage boiled up in me." I said and Skulker went to punch me. He succeeded and I stumbled a little. I stood up and punched him in his chest. He went flying through the coffee table and through the wall behind the coffee table.

"Take cover." I said and Henry pulled Vlad to the hallway and watched from there. I smirked as I transformed.

Vlad's POV (wow longest POV I did that went on for like six chapters!! Continue!!)
Daniel transformed and he looked different from last time when he flew away that day when I found him in the tree. The tips of his hair was now fire, one eye red, skin was now tinted and he had fangs. He looks evil. He looks like he will destroy Skulker. Why does he look like this now? Daniel grabbed Skulker and they started to fight in the fields. Henry and I looked at their fight through the window. Daniel was winning by far. Skulker was defeated in the matter of seconds. Daniel transformed back as he walked through the door back and into his room with a huge smirk on his face."Uh, Master Vlad. When did Master Dan get so much power?" Henry asked."Excuse me, Dan. Why not Danny?" I asked."When I called him Master Daniel the first day he came here he said I should call him Master Dan." Henry explained."Daniel is losing it!" I said."Like I am!" I said.

"Of course. Later tonight after dinner when Daniel is asleep I will go through the security footage and see what had happened. It must have happened after I gave Daniel his punishment." I concluded. What did I do that boy? I can't even remember what I did or what happened."Certainly Master Vlad. I'll start cleaning this mess up." Henry said and I looked at the damage. I sighed, this is going to cost a whole lot of money."I'll be in my study doing paperwork." I said and I climbed what's left of the chairs. I passed Daniel's room and saw him writing in some book. I also noticed some weird bracelet with the letters JMJF on it. Jack, Maddie and Jazz Fenton. Wow, he has really gone into his depression.

"What is that Daniel?"

Danny's POV
"What is that Daniel?" I was startled by the sudden sound."Can you stop calling me by my full name!" I snapped."Little Badger why did you tell Henry to call you Dan?" He asked."Danny is a painful reminder. Dan is the new start." I said."Debatable. Now how did you suddenly get so much power?" He asked. I could see he was still trying to transform."Maybe, my core is developing faster than yours since I died differently than you." I said and he lifted his eyebrow in suspicion."You've been acting strange these last few days Daniel, what's bothering?" He asked.

"You." I said sarcastically."Don't pull that attitude with me. I'll be in my study if you need me." He said and he left. I rolled my eyes as I continued to write in my little book. This poem was a little bit more happier than the first one I wrote for English.(I'm just going to use pieces of songs since I suck with poems, that's why I prefer stories.)

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