chapter 3

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"I know I did not hear that right!" a familiar voice enters the Great Hall. I slam my head onto the table and groan. "Out of my way, I'm Head Girl."

"Honestly, Sarah, if you didn't have a slightly higher voice than Percy, I would think you were him," George says.

Fred puts his hand on my knee underneath the table, letting me know he is there to comfort me. "Yes, you heard right, Sarah," I look at her. "I am a Prefect. And don't say anything stupid like, I guess anyone could be a Prefect."

"I was just going to say I am proud of you," Sarah pats me on the back and walks away, joining the other Ravenclaw girls.

"Blimey, your sister is a mess," Ron says, his mouth stuffed with toast.

"Jealous," I shrug and turn to Fred, who already had his arms around my waist, making faces at his twin brother. "What is your first class?"

"Magical Creatures," he says, and takes a sip of juice.

"Don't you care about my first class," George asks.

I smile, "Georgie of course I do. What is your first class?"

"Trick question. All of the sixth years have Magical Creatures at ten."

Magical Creatures is always very interesting. Hagrid brings a new creature to class almost every week. He tells us about it, promises it's not harmful, and then tells us how to care for it.

I sat next to the twins on the grass, taking notes as Hagrid explains a Hippogriff.

"I tried to teach this to younger students las' yer. an incident'." Everyone laughed except the Slytherins, who were standing the furthest away from the large grey bird.

After Magical Creatures, was Astronomy, my favorite subject. We were told about the constellations we would be learning about in the coming months.

After that, I had double Potions, with Snape. He spent half the class explaining the new potions, and how important it would be to pay attention this year.

My first day as a Hogwarts sixth year went well. Besides the fact that I had to wear a stupid prefect badge...okay I kind of liked it. It was cool, feeling in charge. I even fixed it a few times, making sure it was showing.

The best part of my day was the end, when Fred walked me to my dorm. We kissed again before I slipped away to bed. The news was out, y/n Knight was, in fact, dating one of the Weasley twins, they couldn't figure out who. 

I quickly finished a Potions assignment, and crawled into bed.

Over the summer, my family spent a lot of time with the Weasleys. We went almost twice a week, by my sister's request. Her and Percy Weasley were always the closest, all they talked about was how perfect they were. While I was always closer with the twins, since they were my age and shared my idea of a fun time.

Our parents would sit in the parlor all day, Mr Weasley and my dad talking about their jobs at the ministry, while Mrs Weasley and mum would discuss recipes or their children.

The younger kids and I would play quidditch outside. All of the Weasley kids (besides Percy) were very good at quidditch. I expect at least one of them to play professionally.

"Good morning, Miss Knight," Mcgonagall says while coming to me at the Gryffindor table. "Prefect meeting tonight in the Great Hall. Nine. Be there." She gives me a stern look and storms off to the teacher's table.

"She's afraid I won't show up," I explain to the twins. They both look at me proudly, Fred especially.

"It's nice to finally have a prefect on our side," Fred laughs. "You would think Percy would have been, seeing as he's our brother. But I think it made it worse." 

"Way worse," George agrees.

Ron and Harry finally show up, distracting George.

"I'll be in the common room after your meeting," Fred says softly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I will be there," I promise.

After breakfast, I go with Hermione to the library. As she browses the shelves, trying to find new books on Magical Creatures, I go over my Astronomy notes.

"You and Fred?" she smiles, nose deep in a large brown book.

"I guess so. I wonder if it was too soon, y'know. He and I never really-"

"Oh get off it. You two were always the couple. You two have known each other since birth! It only makes sense," Hermione giggles.

"I know. He's so much different from his brother," I say, with that Hermione laughs. "They are different."

"Also, y/n, I'm not telling you this because I want to upset you. But, Angelina is very upset."

"You're joking," I spit.

"Nope. She has been trying to give Fred a love potion since they went on a date their fourth year. Overheard her telling Katie."

"They went on one date! Like two years ago-"

Hermione sighs, and draws her attention back to her book. 

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