chapter 12

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My day with Cedric was exceptional. By the end, I was gushing over little details; things he said to me, kisses on the forehead, everything. I am lucky to have the Golden Boy as my boyfriend.

I walk down to the common room, via Hermione's request after telling her everything that happened. She listened intently, like always. After I gossiped, she did too, squealing over her and Ron's day.

By the end, we were a mess, but she still insisted I go down and talk to Fred.

"Fred?" I come up behind a tall red head, identifying him by a birthmark on the back of his neck.

"Oh. Hey," he sighs. I sit next to him, noticing teardrops on his t-shirt.

"Are you crying?"

"Yeah, I guess I am," he scoffs, looking away and wiping his eyes. I quickly pull his hands from his face and smile.

"You don't have to hide it, Freddie."

"How are you and pretty boy?" he asks sarcastically. I decide not to answer, sparing him of the gushing and the 'I love him'. He notices my dismay and says, "Is he treating you okay?"

"Yes," I say weakly, still not wanting to hurt him. "He's great."

"Because you know if he wasn't-"

"You'd hex him, ruin his life, and beat him up," I chuckle quietly.

"George would help," he says quickly. "I'm guessing you're not here to rant about Cedric."

"I'm here to ask about you, Freddie."

"Oh. You noticed," he looked down, trying to find the right words, then returned his attention to the fireplace, waving his wand so the fire would take different shapes.

"I don't know how to feel, if I'm being honest. I want to be happy for you, but I miss you. I know I have Angelina, and she's great, but I miss you. Not our relationship, but you."

"I miss you too. You have always been my best friend, and Cedric is just going to have to accept that you are a part of my life," I say, matter of factly.

Fred chuckles, and pulls me into a tight side hug.

❃❃❃❃time skip❃❃❃❃

My sixth year at Hogwarts is over! Unlike muggle schools, students were tearing up and hugging their best friends goodbye.

However, my best friends and I were not tearing up, as we were joining each other at The Burrow for the first couple weeks of summer.

Cedric lived just two towns over, so I can easily reach his house via Floo Powder, and will also be staying with him for a couple days.

The only sad part of this all, is this would be my last time leaving Hogwarts and returning the next year. I'm going into my last year, with no idea on what I want to do. Besides the plant shop, but that seems impossible.

Cedric wants to become an Auror, which I see him doing. And Fred and George are secretly working on their joke shop, coming next spring.

Sarah is leaving Hogwarts this year, and secretly, I'm sad. I am going to miss my sister, even though she can be a pain in the arse.

She would even be moving in with Percy soon, as he's proposing to her this Friday. I assume she'll say yes, she loves him. 

"I'll see you soon, sweetheart. No need to owl me prior to coming, I will be home," Cedric says while we hug, pulling me tight against his chest.

"I'll come after the...dinner on Friday."

"OH! Right right right. I will be there," he says, remembering the dinner I made him promise to attend.

"You better be there," I pout.

"I will, I will."

You may be wondering what happened to Cho Chang. Well, nothing. I did nothing. At the end of the day, she was hurt and wanted to act. I understood her pain, and even made a simple effort to smile at her in the corridors.

Cedric pecked me goodbye before hurrying off to his parents, looking proud of their quidditch captain, prefect, seeker, Golden Boy.

"Are you-"


"For an awesome summer?" The twins say in sync, causing me to smile.

"Uh, yes! I think I am going to make you two de-gnome at the garden with me, bake with me, oh! Cannot forget the cleaning! You two will not be bored!" I promise.

They groan, "We're on holiday!"

"I'm not staying in your messy room!" I protest.

"Fair enough," they say at the same time.

Molly and Arthur run over to us with a black dog to their side. This makes Harry smile, and run to pet the dog.

"Sarah! Oh Sarah!" Percy calls to my sister, running up to her and pulling her into a very tight hug. I start to tear up at the happy couple, and apparently so does Molly because she lets out a small sob.

"I'm about to cry," George says. "I've never seen that git so happy."

"Me either," Fred scoffs.

Percy takes Sarah's trunk from her and leads her to Arthur's bewitched car. She smiles happily as he informs her about all the important ministry business he's been taking care of.

"I can't wait!" Sarah beams.

She got a job at the Ministry, starting in a month. Mum and dad were not delighted, as they know You-Know-Who will one day return and take over the ministry, but Sarah promised them she'd be safe.

Mrs Weasley set up my regular bed in Fred and George's room, this time nearest the window.

"Y/n!" I hear mum call from downstairs. I run down the many flights of stairs and bury myself in her arms. "I missed you," she whispers. "So much."

"I thought you weren't coming until Friday," I mumble. Before she could answer, Sarah jumped in.

"Daddy wanted to take Percy to lunch," she says.

"That's lovely," I say sarcastically, she grimaces, obviously agreeing.

"I heard you have a boyfriend," mum tells me, fixing my messy hair.

"Leo!" I growl.

"He didn't tell me who!"

"Uh...Cedric Diggory."

"Oh. My. Goodness. I knew it!" mum smiles. I'm glad she accepted me and Cedric because dad might be a problem. "How long?"

"Mummmm!" I blush. "About five months. I wanted to tell you, I did. But, ugh, so much happened!"

She nods in an understanding manor. "Cedric is coming on Friday," I tell her.

"Why is everyone talking about Friday?" Sarah snaps. "Yeah, I'm going to be here Friday too!"

She runs up the stairs, and once she makes it to the top, Percy's bedroom door closes behind her.

"She has no idea," I laugh. "I'm happy for them."

"Me too," mum says, teary eyed. 

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