chapter 8

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"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" Fred and George yell at me. "It's Christmas!"

I flip them off for waking me up suddenly and shove them out of the room to allow me to get dressed. I quickly put on last year's Weasley sweater and black skinny jeans, and go downstairs to the living room, where the trio are already opening their presents.

Fred and George wait on the couch for me, sipping tea and talking to my brother. Mrs Weasley hugs me and hands me a present. I smile at my parents, then look over to Sarah and Percy who share an armchair, Sarah gushing over a necklace Percy gifted her. I roll my eyes and sit in-between the twins.

Mrs Weasley gifted me fudge, and another Weasley sweater, this one green. My parents gave me some muggle money, allowing me to buy whatever I wished. They also gave me some wizard sweets and a new Gryffindor hoodie. And the trio and twins gave me a mix of muggle and wizard candy, besides Hermione who gave me a book about Herbology. I gave them sweets, doing my last minute Christmas shopping at Honeydukes.

"Hey guys," Sirius says from the doorway, holding gifts under his arms. The trio gets up and hugs him. Remus comes in next, carrying a few presents. Sirius gave me a wizard cactus, and tools to take care of magical plants. This gift I loved the most, honored he had put that much thought into a gift. 

"I knew you love plants, and I saw that and knew you had to have it. If you don't like it, I can get you something else-" he shakes his head, looking embarrassed.

"Are you joking? I love it. Thanks so much uncle Black!" I quickly hugged him and examined my new tools, trying to figure out what each one was for. 

After everyone was finished opening presents, we had Christmas dinner. It was wonderful. We ate outside, since there was no room in the burrow for the fourteen of us.

Fred, George, and I, gave up our room for Sirius and Remus, so the twins and I spread out in the living room. After saying goodnight, and turning off the lights, I tossed and turned, unable to sleep. I got up and went into the kitchen, helping myself to a cup of tea and sat at the table.

"Can't sleep?" Harry asks, pouring himself a cup of tea. I shake my head.

"How was your Christmas?" I ask, and he takes the seat next to me.

"Pretty great," he chuckles, "It's nice to finally have a real Christmas."

I put my hand around his shoulders and pulled him closer. He puts his head on my shoulder and sighs, "You're pretty great." 

"You too, Chosen One." I laugh, and he takes his head away from my shoulder, looking into my eyes. I don't know why it *almost* happened, but he lowered his lips closer to mine, I felt them brush against mine, his scent was nice, but not Cedric's. He started to kiss me, but felt me pull back.

He smiled and sighed, and I put my head on his shoulder. "Love you, Chosen One."

"Love you too, y/n."

After an hour or so of sitting there, I fell back onto the couch, silently sobbing, in hope not to wake Fred or George.

Cedric. Oh how I would love to feel his lips on mine, his body close to mine, his skin touching mine. But, it was touching Cho's. His lips, his skin, everything, was Cho's.

I was a slut. Everyone told me so. I hung out with too many boys, I would wear shorts sometimes instead of trousers. I was no Sarah. Not Miss Perfect. I wasn't who everyone wanted me to be. I am a slut. Cho isn't, she's golden. Golden Girl and Golden Boy, found each other at once.

I'm confused on how Cedric never let me know he had feelings for Cho. Once they started dating, things had gone back to how they've been, smiling at me occasionally in the halls, not talking during lessons, completely ignoring me, not writing me-


I looked around to see what the noise had come from, the twins did as well, awoken from their deep slumber. I found Cedric's screech owl on the floor, a piece of parchment and a parcel attached to his leg.

Fred and George went back to sleep peacefully, as I gathered some treats and a bowl of water for the owl. I opened the parchment, and read:


I am sorry for not writing sooner. I have been conflicted. I thought you may like to know Cho and I broke up, but that isn't why I'm writing to you. I broke up with her. She isn't right for me.

I thought that by dating her I would forget my feelings for you. Oh, I wanted to desperately. Ever since you started dating that Weasley. Obviously, it was unsuccessful.

I miss you. I miss you so much. I don't know how to be friends again. I don't know where to start. But I am willing to do anything to be close with you, again. You're perfect for me, as my friend, girlfriend, whatever you want me to be. I am here for you, my darling. I am yours.

I know you are at The Burrow for Christmas, and I live a few minutes away, you should come and visit. My parents would love to have you. Please consider.

Owl me, please. I am so sorry.


I quickly unwrapped the brown wrapping, revealing a bouquet of flowers. I smiled through the tears, grabbed a bit of parchment and quill from the kitchen counter, and wrote:


I miss you too. You're everything to me. I don't know how to say anything on paper. I must tell you in person. I will be at your house on Friday, by Floo, at noon.

Have something planned. I have so much to tell you, Diggory. Thank you so much for the flowers. They are wonderful.


I hope to have the courage to tell him how I feel in two days. I don't know if I will, knowing me. But, if I ever want to be with him, I must. I must tell him everything, my feelings and all. And, I do want to be with Cedric. 

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