chapter 16

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first meeting

It's been two months since I've returned to Hogwarts for my seventh year, and time seems to be going by very quickly.

Today was a Hogsmeade visit day, but Hermione made Cedric and I promise to show up to The Three Broomsticks for some sort of meeting.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry sat up chairs in front of them, making us give them our full attention. Harry looked terrified, but everyone knew he was. People made rumors about him lying about the return of the Dark Lord, by people I mean everyone in the Wizarding community.

"We all know the Dark Lord has returned," Hermione starts out strong. "And if we were needed to fight -- we would need to know how. Umbridge is incapable of teaching us how, so I say we learn together."

Hermione was right, Umbridge was incapable of teaching us how to fight. She was covering up for the ministry, everyone knew that. But, why? What did the ministry not want anyone to know? That You-Know-Who is back?

"It's rubbish," Seamus Finnigan mutters.

"I stand with Harry," I say before I can think of what I'm saying.

"You believe it?" Dean Thomas asks abruptly.

I stand. "Yes. I believe Harry. Why wouldn't you believe Harry? He's the one who You Know- Voldemort," I breathe, "Lost his power to. Who else would know?"

Cedric stands, then Ginny, Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, Colin Creevy...and by the end, we had about thirty people standing, even Seamus and Dean.

"We must be very careful about this," Hermione starts, "We mustn't tell anyone."

"I agree," Cedric nods.

And with that, we formed our own Order...Dumbledore's Army.

Not everything was perfect now that we had an organization. I was working tirelessly, just trying to keep up with school and attend to my Head Girl duties, on top of all that I had DA twice a week, and my relationship.

Cedric had more, as captain of the quidditch team, and his dying desire to win the House Cup this year. Don't tell him, but with Harry as seeker, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance.

Not to mention the Prefect meetings that were once every other week that Cedric and I had to run. Oh! And studying for our N.E.W.T. exams on top of everything else.

Christmas was coming soon, which was something to look forward to, kind of. After the next term, we would be free, and no longer students at Hogwarts. Thrown into the world with knowledge of spells and potions, something very few can boast about having. But still, it doesn't make it easier to get a job in the wizarding world.

Mum always wanted us to work with muggles, and not get tied up to the wizarding world. I think that's why she was so against Sarah going to the Ministry, though she didn't want to admit it.

Speaking of Sarah, her and Percy seem to be doing just fine. She wrote me a week ago, telling me about the Ministry, and while I'm thankful she's found light in her life, I cannot help but despise the Ministry for bringing in Professor Umbridge. A bat out of hell, if you ask me.

Even Snape hated her, asking us daily what she had been teaching. As our answers got worse and worse, he got happier and happier. He even smiled.

"Y/N! RON!" Hermione screamed, recognizing the sound from the boys dormitory as her best friend's shout.

I heard the screaming too, and when I followed Hermione up to their dorm, I saw it, Harry. Ron was the one who screamed, but only because Harry was sweating and shaking, curled up into a ball on the foot of his four poster.

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