chapter 1

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hogwarts express

Mom told us to be ready by nine, but with the commotion my younger brother caused, and my sister insisting I stole her Head Girl badge, we were barely ready at ten. Kings Cross station was a little under half an hour away, and we had no other way of transportation other than a muggle car. Mom drove, knowing my wizard father would have done something stupid and enchant the car.

Sarah, my sister, Head Girl, Ravenclaw goddess, traveled into the platform first, my mother and father smiling proudly. I went next, clutching onto my trolley, body shaking.

It's my sixth year attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but I still got nervous running into a seemingly brick solid wall. I broke into a run, and before I knew it I could smell the smoke coming from the Hogwarts Express.

My sister stood by me, waiting for my parents and youngest brother, Leo. They came a few seconds later, my father reminding him that he would be okay. It was his first year, and he was beyond nervous. He had little experience with magic, much like my sister and I before we started attending Hogwarts.

We lived in a muggle flat, about twenty minutes outside of London. When my mother and father married, they agreed to raise their children around muggles, since my mother was a muggle. But I was raised around magical as well.

Dad would use his wand behind my mom's back sometimes, and when we would visit the Diggorys or the Weasleys, I would play with the other kid's toy broom. And also saw their homes, which were always consumed with enchantments and spells.

Though I enjoyed my muggle school, I was over the roof excited to go to Hogwarts. Especially when I got sorted into Gryffindor, my dad's house, which was also not my sister's house thankfully.

"Please write to us," my mother told us three, rubbing our backs while pulling us into a tight hug. We all promised we would and she released us at once.

I boarded the train, feeling more excited than normal. "D'you think Snape will finally be nice to us," Ron asked Hermione, Harry, and me. We all laughed, and found a compartment near the back.

The trio, which is what most people at Hogwarts call them, were a two years younger than me, going into their fourth year. I had always been quite close to the Weasleys, specifically the twins, but when they were getting into trouble, I hung out with the trio.

"Y/n! I'm surprised you're coming back to Hogwarts. The embarrassment," George said while barging into our compartment. I could tell them apart.

"Your sister is Head Girl, is she not? She only told us a million times. I'm starting to think her and Percy are a bit more than friends-"

"I think the same. She would not stop begging mom and dad to go to the burrow all summer," I laughed.

"Oh that's why you came so much. Dear Fred, he thought you were coming to see him," Ron up-roared with laughter.

"Shove off," Fred and I said at the same time, causing us to blush, and Hermione to wink at me.

"Would you like to join us?" Hermione asked, scooting closer to Ron to allow the twins to sit next to me. George took his seat across from us, with Harry, and Fred sat next to me.

Hermione was already flipping through her new text books, especially excited for charms. Fred nudged me on the arm, I looked at him, and then down to his hand where a bracelet was intertwined with his fingers. "I made it for you." I look around to see everyone embraced in their own conversations.

I nod, and he puts it on my wrist. It was made out of red and yellow string, barely holding together, but he had made it for me, which was more than special. I scooted closer to him and allowed myself to be wrapped around his arms.

Everyone acted as if nothing had happened, and like I wasn't cuddling with...oh best friend, Fred Weasley!


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