chapter 10

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Be Mine

Cedric and I returned to Hogwarts with smiles on our faces.

The twins chose to play nice with Cedric, sort of. And the trio was more than happy to have another member to our very large friend group, even Harry, who was back to himself. (After Ron and Hermione told him to settle himself).

Everything was seemingly back to normal. I had all of my friends, and am still staying with Hermione in her dorm. Fred and Angelina were more than happy, and were now dating! And even George and Katie Bell seemed to have a thing going on outside the quidditch pitch. Sarah and Percy were already planning their life together after Hogwarts, thank god. And Cedric and I are best friends, soon to be more.

"Ugh, I'm sick of this," Cedric groans, walking with me to Astronomy.

"Sick of what?" I ask, knowing the answer.

"I want to be with you, y/n," he says, pulling me behind a staircase.

"I know, Cedric. It's only been a week, give it a few more," I say, he places his hand on my cheek, making me say, "Okay maybe a few more days."

"Why do you keep putting it off? We've known one another for years."

"Meet me at the Astronomy tower tonight," I placed a kiss on his cheek. "After dinner."

"I'll be there," he whispers in my ear before pulling me up the stairs and to a bench nearest the teacher.

"Please wear something a little nicer," Hermione begs. "You are asking Cedric to be your boyfriend tonight, are you not?"

"I don't know, Hermione. And of course I am wearing something a little nicer," I look down at my school robes. "I have a question."

"Ask away!" She says, gathering some potential outfits from my closet.

"What happened with Harry?"

"Well, to my understanding he does like you. But he understands your liking for pretty boy Cedric," she sighs. "I don't know, Ron and I found it a little weird ourselves."

"Harry's cute," I admit. "But, the age difference was a little unsettling. He's fourteen, I'm almost seventeen-"

"I know. He didn't mean to kiss you. He said it all kinda came at once. Anyways, he's the Chosen One, he'll be more than fine." She holds up a burgundy sweater, I nod. Blue skinny jeans, I nod. White sneakers, I nod. "And your hair down." I nod, she smiles.

After dinner, Hermione and I dress up for a while, until we decide on our original outfit; sweater, jeans, and sneakers.

"Now, if you plan on staying out later than midnight-"

"I will send Cedric's owl," I reply.

"Please don't get into too much trouble, Y/n. You two are both Prefects," she eyes me.

"Oh gosh Hermione."

She laughs and pushes me out the door. "Remember-"

"If I plan on staying out, owl you. If I feel uncomfortable, owl you. If anything happens, wake you as soon as I get back."

She nods approvingly. I wave at her and exit the dormitory, extremely nervous.

I walk up and down the corridors, nervous for whatever is about to happen. I finally decide to stop getting 'accidentally lost' as I picture a disappointed Cedric sitting alone in the tower. Walking...walking...walking.

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