chapter 4

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prefect meeting

"Thank you for coming!" Sarah beams. She was running this meeting, which automatically made me sink further into my chair and pull my hair over my face. "I would like to welcome our new Prefects! This is a very serious deal, so do take it seriously!"

"You?" a familiar voice leans closer to me. I look at him, The Golden Boy. I groan, Cedric Diggory chuckles slightly then looks ahead.

The meeting drags for what seems like hours. Sarah went over the importance of being a prefect, how to check dorms, reminding everyone of the school rules, and how you have to keep your grades up to stay in the position.

I met Fred in the common room. He was wearing his Weasley sweater and khaki pants. He looked very good, the brown Weasley sweater complimented his fiery red hair. He patted me to sit down next to him, looking nervous.

"I know. I haven't asked officially," he grabs my hand and rubs it. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course."

"Also, would you join me to Hogsmeade this weekend?" I nod, and he pulls me onto his lap.

Oh no oh no oh no. The light from the windows shines through, letting me know it's morning. I open my eyes to see Fred still fast asleep. I wake him up with a nudge, and with that he understands.

We hurry up to our dorms, giving one another a quick kiss before parting ways. I close the door quietly, and climb into bed, making it look like I had been there for the past seven hours. A few minutes later, the other girls start to wake up.

None of the girls in my dorm talked to me. And they were especially not now that I was dating Fred, and they're all best friends with Angelina.

They all laughed at me once I got out of bed. They started whispering to one another; she didn't even sleep here, such a slut.

I grabbed my trunk from underneath my bed and threw all of my belongings into it quickly. I grabbed Loui (my owl's), cage, my wand, spellbooks, and the blanket spread across my bed. I stormed out, and made my way down the narrow hall to the fourth year girl's dorm.

I knocked on it, and Hermione answered, wearing a purple bathrobe. She saw my trunk and cage and let me in. This room was tidier than my old one, but looked the same.

"What happened?"

I sat down on her four poster bed and started to explain everything. The Prefect meeting, my sister, Fred, the 'sleepover', and finally the cruel girls I lived with. Hermione listened carefully, gasping and shaking her head at the right moments. It felt good to finally get it all out. I knew I could talk to the twins, but Hermione was a girl, she understood my sudden feelings.

"Sometimes I even think Fred and I moved too quickly," I admit, not meeting her eyes. "We have known each other our entire life, but it was sudden. Two weeks ago, I was buying my books with Fred and George at Flourish and Blotts poking fun at Ron, and now we're together."

Hermione takes some time with her answer, then says, "I see what you mean. I do know Fred loves you though. Talked about asking you to The Three Broomsticks all week."

"I know, I know. He asked me last night. I don't know what I am thinking. Probably just shooken up from Angelina."

"Maybe. Or maybe it is too soon. If it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel right. No one will know besides you....Also, we need to talk to Mcgonagall about switching dorms. I have a feeling you won't be returning to that one."

"Professor?" I open the door and peer inside. "Can I talk to you?" I search the room, but I only see a tabby cat. In front of my eyes, Mcgonagall returns to her human shape. She showed us this our third year, by now I was used to it.

"What's on your mind Miss Knight?"

" would like to switch dorms."

"Do I need to know why?"

"Angelina," I sigh, "We had a fight, and I do not wish to return. My stuff is packed. I ran to Hermione's dorm this morning."

"Of course, Miss Knight. I understand. Hermione's dorm will be quite a good fit for you I believe. Is there anything else?"

"Being Prefect-"

"Ah, I see. I do understand your attitude towards being Prefect. I assure you, you were the best pick. Dumbledore wishes I not tell you, but I do think I should. Miss Knight, you were offered Prefect because Angelina was removed from the position. There may be more than one reason Miss Johnson is acting harshly."

"So I'm with her ex and stole Prefect from her? Perfect!" I groan. Mcgonagall chuckles. I start out the door when she says, "Remember the parchment assignment I handed out!"

I nod and exit the classroom. Of course I had forgotten about the assignment. Mcgonagall had just agreed to let me switch dorms, when they never did that at Hogwarts, and I forgot about her homework! 

I run up to my new dorm to start the homework. I reach into my bag but when I do-

"Bloody hell!" I shout.

"What is it-" Hermione starts to ask, but sees my hands covered in ink.

"I must've spilled- wait." I open my trunk to find my sealed bottle of black ink. "Someone poured ink in my bag. And I think I know who."

"You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding." Harry says, inspecting the ink. He came up to the dormitory to get Hermione's Transfiguration answers, but when he saw the ink all over my hands and on the floor, he came inside to help us investigate. "Who do you think did this?"

"Angelina, it has to be."

"But Angelina is a Gryffindor," Harry says. Did he think a Gryffindor couldn't do something like this? "This is blue ink." 

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