chapter 7

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catching up

"How is Loui?" Cedric asks, filled with curiosity.

"Good. Did your sink ever start working again?"

"No, Dad won't let muggles come out to the house."

"Classic Amos," I chuckle and walk into the Great Hall.

You're probably confused, so I'll explain...

Cedric and I used to be friends, as you can guess. We were close, not like me and the twins, but we did spend time together over the summer, and during the school year. So, naturally, when he told me he had feelings for me this summer, it was bound to be awkward. I don't know how I feel about Cedric, I've never thought about it.

Anyways, we decided to be friends again. We missed one another, the peace we brought each other, and our friendship. Our dads were friends at Hogwarts, so I went to the Diggorys growing up.

I plan on getting closer to Cedric. Something tells me we need to be.

These past couple of months, I blocked out all feelings for Cedric, friendly and romantic. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for The Golden Boy, and I think I tried to cover them up by dating Fred.

I told the trio about everything, since they were the only people who would feel indifferent, and my only friends who weren't also my love interest.

I've made a mess trying to figure all of this out, and the last thing I want to do is hurt Fred or Cedric, neither of them deserve that.

I haven't thought about Cedric in awhile, in hopes that all feelings would simply disappear. Honestly, I'm scared. Scared of dating someone with such a high profile. Scared of hurting the innocent Hufflepuff. Scared of having real feelings.

"I see the Perfect Prefect has returned," George says wearily, taking a seat in front of us. I search for Fred but George shakes his head, hoping I don't bring it up in front of Cedric.

"Good morning, George," I laugh and kick him under the table.

"Pass the toast, Ceddy, would you?" George smiles innocently. Cedric passes him the toast as if he didn't just call him 'Ceddy'.

Fred appears a few minutes later, looking sleepy.

After breakfast, the twins, Cedric, and I walk to Potions together, all slightly nervous of what insults Severus Snape would come up with in this class.

I took my seat at the back of the room with Fred, but stared at Cedric. He was looking behind him, and at me, causing me to furiously blush. He smirked and returned his attention to Professor Snape.

Angelina Johnson sat in front of us, smiling at Cedric and I's exchange. Fred was looking at her, obviously thinking about her. I wonder if he loves her. He deserves Angelina, she would treat him right -- Christmases may be a little awkward though.

After an hour of potions, the twins and I make our way to Divination. I like Trelawney, she's charismatic. She has good intentions, just bad ways of portraying them.

"Hermione, you are aware you're a know-it-all?" Ron asks viciously, turkey filling his mouth.

"Just because I do my homework and answer questions I know in class...does not make me a know-it-all."

Harry then quietly explained to me that they had been bickering all morning. Hermione was mad at Ron for copying off her homework, and Ron was using his usual insult.

Ron and Hermione would get over it soon enough. If I'm not mistaken, I'd say they're soulmates.

"Cho and Cedric?" I hear a third year Slytherin girl say as she passes by. The trio stops eating and looks at me. I start shaking, scared to look behind me at the Ravenclaw table.

Hermione puts her arm around me. "Don't look," Ron says, Harry nods in agreement.

"Cedriccccc!" I hear a high squeal come from behind me.

"Cedric! May I remind you that Prefects are required to sit at their house tables?" I hear Sarah yell. I smirk, and Ron and Harry burst into laughter.

"You didn't do that with him and-" the high squeal speaks again.

"I am Head Girl, Miss Chang. Five points from Ravenclaw! Yes, my own house!"

I see Cedric cross over to the Hufflepuff table. He wasn't smiling or frowning, he looked emotionless, honestly.

Everyone was leaving for Christmas vacation. Ron, Hermione, Harry, the twins, and I all left together, joining the same family for Christmas.

"Is Sirius going to be there, Harry?" I ask, hoping to see my favorite non-criminal that spent thirteen years in the worst prison, Azkaban. He had been my father's friend while they were in school. He never believed Sirius sold out the Potters or killed anyone. Dad was more than happy to see his old friend again.

"Yes, but only for a day or two. Remus will be too. Remind me to thank your mum, Ron. Letting them come over and all-"

"Don't mention it. You're family. Your family is our family," Ron smiles. Hermione and I 'aweee'.

Cedric and Cho came by our compartment many times, coincidentally. It got to the point where the twins stood in front of the door, and Ron showed them his middle finger.

I told them all to stop. I deserved it. I had rejected Cedric when I should've told him the truth, that I did have feelings for him, but am scared. I'm not scared anymore, I just want to be with him.

Fred and George quickly caught onto the fact that I liked Cedric. Angelina and Fred were spending more time together, and my crush on Cedric seemed to have no effect on him. They were back to being the supportive best friends I knew we were meant to be.

I remained friends with Cedric, but he knew my feelings were hurt. I made it painfully obvious. He would mention Cho and I would clam up, claiming to have Prefect duties in the Gryffindor dormitories. But now we're all away on holiday, and I can relieve my mind of Cedric and Cho.

I was excited to have a Burrow-Christmas. The Burrow was magical, and I liked it far more than my muggle home. And not to mention my friends, the twins and the trio.

Once we arrived at Kings Cross, the Weasleys were standing closest to the train, searching for their four children. My parents were behind them, looking for their three.

Leo ran up to mum, and she pulled him into a tight hug. I know how hard it is as a first year, being away from your parents. I waited until they were finished, and joined the group hug.

Percy was waiting a few steps behind Mrs Weasley, arms open for Sarah to jump into. Sarah ran to him and they embraced one another in a passionate kiss. Once they pulled away, Percy looked slightly embarrassed, pulling his sweater down. He led her to his fathers bewitched car, allowing the twelve of us to sit comfortably. Sarah looked happy, which made me happy. She was never the best sister, but she deserved happiness.

"Ron, Harry and Leo can sleep in your room. Ginny and Hermione to Ginny's room. And y/n in the twin's. Sarah, Percy, I trust you two." Mr Weasley informs us all, laughing at his last comment. Everyone seemed to be in agreement, especially Sarah and Percy no doubt. I thought of Cedric, wondering what would happen if I went to his house for Christmas.

Molly put my bed next to Fred's. Does she assume him and I-

"I didn't know, dear," she says, looking at my bewildered expression. She gave a flick of her wand, and automatically the bed was nearest the window. "He told me so long ago-"

"You're fine, Mrs Weasley. Long story," I say, she smiles and leaves. I drop my backpack on my bed and travel downstairs, where fresh cookies were being cooked, making the entire house smell divine. 

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