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Arkham Asylum

"Nine hundred ninety eight" A deep voice counted. "Nine hundred ninety nine.........grh....one thousand" The voice counted before a loud "THUD" was heard. "Jeez I won't be surprised if this nut dies training in his cell." A guard said standing outside of the cell. "Hey prisoner number 288 stand up" Another guard said. The man stood up and was clearly 6 feet tall with a very toned and muscular body. "Why exactly are you training so much? You a Deathstroke wannabe?" The guard said as he and most of the staff wondered why this inmate trained day and night. "hm" The prisoner let out as he smiled and looked at the two guards with a murderous stare. "Redemption is what I seek! And as for my revenge and anger...It has already been taken care of!" The man finished and sat down. "Shit these guys here really are nuts." The guards said in unison as they walked off. "Deathstroke" The inmate sat in his cell staring at a wall in front of him. "Why did that degenerate say that name!?" the man furiously thought as he had a flashback.

"NO USELESS!" said a voice in a very threatening and strict manner. "AGAIN" "BAM" the voice yelled as he hit a boy in his early teens with a kick to the stomach as he was doing pushups. "AHHH" the boy yelled in pain. The figure walked towards the boy and grabbed his chin forcing the young one to look straight into the man's eyes. "Do you want to become a human weapon or do you want to be a weak and pathetic simpleton?" The man said as it was revealed to be Slade Wilson A.K.A Deathstroke. "I want to be a killer sir! I WANT TO AVENGE MY PARENTS!" the boy yelled as he went back into position and started doing push ups. "Good" Slade said in a very malicious tone.

"Hey" A guard outside his cell called but the inmate stared at the wall. "HEY!" the guard finally broke the man's trance as he stared at the guard. "It's monthly evaluation time so tell me what was your name again." The guard asked as he looked at the inmate. "Darkstar" The inmate said which made the guard take a few steps back and then literally run away. Darkstar. That name had become quite a terrorising name as Darkstar was the man who brought not only Gotham but the Batman to his knees. People feared him as he was the reason behind the death of Damian Wayne, the predecessor of Johnathan Wayne. Darkstar lied down on his bed and rested as he was focused to redeem his name.

Darkstar whose original name is Kenith Miles was the son of Roy and Kelly Miles who both served in the military. They too were among the rich people of Gotham. Roy and Kelly wanted their son Kenith to be in the army as well. This explained why he went to karate classes since the age of 4. But at the young age of 17 his life would change forever. The family of three were walking back from the military base as his parents had taken a leave for the holidays. Kenith was excited and was telling his parents all about the new moves he had leant in his Karate classes. But then suddenly out of nowhere "BOOM" a loud explosion took place and out of the sky an injured and blood covered Batman landed. "Batman are you okay?" asked Roy. "RUN!" Batman yelled as he pushed the family away as a raging Owlman jumped in front of Batman. "Aw what do we have here?" Owlman said as he looked towards the family behind Batman. "NO YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!" Batman yelled as he got up. "GO NOW" Batman yelled as he started fighting his adversary. The trio started running but then Owlman appeared in front of them and stabbed Roy with one of his Owlrangs. "GAH" the man screamed in pain. Kelly immediately started to fight Owlman but soon failed as she too got stabbed. Kenith stood and watched as his parents were murdered. "SEE! YOU COULD"NT EVEN STOP ME FROM KILLING THEM!" Owlman yelled as a Batman who removed two Owlrangs from his stomach and was somehow making his way towards the scene. "I'll kill you!" Kenith yelled as he tried to attack Owlman. "NO!" Yelled Batman as he jumped onto Owlman and stared beating him up. However from behind the Joker came along and stabbed Batman through the back with a sword and started laughing. "Oh how I've waited for this day!" The Joker said in joy as he started laughing again. Kenith stood there and watched as how powerless Batman was and how he couldn't even save his parents. Batman turned around and grabbed the Joker and pulling him into the sword which the Joker had put through him and stabbed Joker. "You're going with me!" Batman said as he jumped into a flaming building with the Joker. "Heh" Owlman laughed as he started walking away. Kenith lay there broken and bruised as he slowly lost consciousness.

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