Insanity and Peace

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Batman made his way towards the entrance of Almatech as he met with his partner Raven in front of the building to be surrounded by more than 100 henchmen and leading them was a jacked up Magnium. Magnium wasn't your usual run of the mill villain in fact he was another product of the Godmaker Serum but what made him stand out was that he was a product of the League of Assassins. Being very skilled in combat, weaponry and in mental combat he was an overall human weapon. "You two aren't going to go anywhere." He said as he loaded his assault rifle and aimed it at Batman. "I'd doubt that" Batman said as he looked at Raven who knew what her partner was trying to tell her. The duo got ready and charged towards the villains surrounding them. Meanwhile on the upper floors The American Soldier was inching closer and closer towards Darkstar who was at the top floor which was the main office. "CLEAR THE BUILDING OR DIE!" The soldier yelled as he threw his shield knocking out the teeth of more than 5 goons at once. A fully max fuelled super soldier was making easy work of not only the henchmen but also of Godmaker serum using merecenaries who were well trained in combat. "GRRAH" He yelled as he kicked the Calendar Man who was also enhanced so hard that he broke his jaw and knocked him out cold. "BATMAN!" He yelled announcing his arrival to the fake batman who was an evil villain.

Batman kicked Magnium in the leg while Raven went up top and blasted the villain in the face. It was not an easy battle. The merc landed a punch combination on Batman and jump kicked a charging Raven to a side. Batman who was now on the ground was trying to get up when he felt the cold steel of the barrel of a gun touch his head. "Any last words?" Magnium asked his target as he was going to finish the Dark Knight for good this time. Batman looked up to see Raven dazed trying to get up. He knew that he had to hurry otherwise there was no telling what would go down as the other Batman who was Darkstar in disguise was backed up in a corner and it was all thanks to the American Soldier. "Yes" Batman replied. "Let's hear it then" Magnium said as he loaded the shotgun which was pointed at Batman's head. "AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS" Batman yelled as suddenly a huge beam of black energy hit Magnium which sent him flying into cars knocking him out as the damage was severe destroying all the armour he had on him. "Raven" Batman said as he ran and helped his partner up. "I'm okay." Raven replied when suddenly a GCPD walkie from a fallen officer rung up. "THIS IS POLICE COMMISSIONER GORDON! WE ARE OUTNUMBERED AT THE 9TH STREER INTERSECTION LEADING TO ALMATECH. WE NEED ALL HANDS HERE THE FREAKS ARE GOING AFTER BATMAN AND WE NEED TO HOLD EM OFF! DANG." The communication cut as only gunshots were being heard. "Do what you have to. Go on" Raven said as she stood up and told Batman do go on and finish what they had come there for. "Hey" Raven said one more time as when Batman turned back to look at her she embraced Batman and passionately kissed him. "Don't die on me this time" She said as she and her lover embraced before they would go their separate ways. "I promise" Batman said as they separated. Raven was quite afraid of the fact that John could die again and this time it would be for good. But it was a bitter fact that both of them had to accept and march on as they were what stood between Gotham and the villains who only exist to drink the blood of the innocent. John was feeling it too as he did not want to leave and see his loved ones suffer but this time he was calm and collected despite being motivated by pure rage.

Batman arrived into the building to see horrific sights. Dead bodies were everywhere. It took the Caped Crusader a few seconds to move as he was in pure shock. He had expected the American Soldier to be like his predecessor. A person who maintained the line between psychotic killer and superhero but it seemed as if it were the actual opposite with this one. Batman made his way and the more he climbed the more horrific it got. Bodies of security, GCPD officers, innocent people where everywhere. Finally he reached the 10th floor which came before the floor where the main office was. Batman saw the Soldier panting in the middle of the room full of dead people. But what scarred and broke Batman was the fact that the children from Gotham high. Lay scattered across the entire floor. 30 kids dead. "what did you do?" Batman asked as he was confused with his feeling he was so shocked. "I did what was necessary" The Soldier said as he stood up revealing he had killed the Electrocutioner, Jack Falcone, Red Hood (Willam Burke) and Black Spider. The pillars of Darkstar who protected the main office. "Batcomputer show me what happened here." Batman commanded the ai and it asked as the sight was horrifying even for an ai. "Sir are yo-" The computer got cut off as Batman yelled "SHOW IT TO ME!". The ai did as commanded to reveal the children were afraid and were trying to run away and the American Soldier arrived and blindly started throwing his shield as he tore through many only to reach the villains to kill them. One child who was afraid sat in the corner to whom the Soldier walked upto. "Don't be scared it's okay" as he snapped the poor child's neck. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He yelled as he charged towards the patriotic killer who in response front kicked Batman sending back. "AN IDIOT DRESS UP HERO LIKE YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT IT TAKES TO DO SOMETHING AT ALL COSTS!" He yelled as he threw his shield at the knight which he dodged and jump kicked the Soldier in the face which immediately sent the enhanced murderer a few steps back. "NO NO NO NOT AGAIN YOU WON'T" He yelled as he took out a machine gun and opened fire at the Dark Knight. As Batman got to cover he got hit by two bullets. One in the left calf and the other in the right forearm. "I don't have time to waste here" The Soldier said as he threw a DX bomb at Batman and "BOOOOOM". A huge explosion sent out everything flying out of the building. When the blast cleared there was no Batman in sight. Only ashes fire and a few burning bodies of dead people.

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