One's Ascend and One's Fall

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An entire week had passed and the ways of Batman had changed drastically. The crooks of Gotham were scared of the Batman as it was but now they had started to get terrified of him as they knew if the Batman caught them they would have a near death experience. As his looks had become more demon like and his ways were more brutal than ever. "You hear?" One Random criminal was talking with another. "What?" The other man said. "The Bat killed someone apparently. He was one of Penguin's guys or something." The man said with a clearly uncomfortable expression. "Well sure ain't surprising considering the way he's become, this was coming sooner or later." The crook said. "KABLAM" An entire dumpster crashed into one of the criminals. "OH M-" Before the other one could react Batman had kicked him in the stomach dragged him onto the ground and had landed so many punches that his face was nothing but a messed up bloody mess. "I'm here" Batman said. Now those crooks didn't know but Batman was outside the factory which apparently was going to be used by the Penguin and Two Face to mass produce the Godmaker serum. "Ok but did you really have to brutalize those people?" Dick said as he had began worrying about John as after Bruce and Damian's demise Dick had started to look at John as a son rather than a brother. In other words Dick Grayson had become what Alfred was for Bruce. "They had it coming" Batman said in a cold tone as he went inside the building. "You ready?" Batman asked Raven as she was on top of the building ready to attack the men inside. "Ready" She said as she got ready to attack. "NOW" Batman said as he ran and attacked two crooks knocking them out. "It's the-" Raven had landed in the scuffle too and knocked out four crooks. The duo had successfully taken care of the entire gang in a matter of mere seconds. "WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE?" Batman said as he picked up one of the criminals. "NIGMA IN THE OFFICE" He said terrified. "Good" Batman said as before letting the man go he broke the man's arm "AAAHHHHHHHGHGHHH" The man screamed in pain. Raven looked at Batman as she was quite shook to as to how brutal the bat had become. "So you simpletons finally got to me huh" Nigma said as he came out. "Riddler" Raven said as she got ready to attack. "Did yo-" Before he could finish Batman had caught him off guard and had taken him down immediately landing so many punches to make the enhanced villain into a bloody mess. "ENOUGH WE NEED HIM!" Raven said as she tried to get Batman off the Riddler. Batman walked toward Raven as she was walking back and eventually into a wall. Batman walked up to her and got very close to her and slammed a fist into the wall making a hole. "GRRRHHHH" Batman exhaled like a monster. Raven had never felt terrified of anything not even Trigon but at this very moment she was feeling very terrified. Batman walked back to Nigma as he picked him up and sat him down on a chair and tied him up. "Now talk" Batman said as the brutally disfigured face of Nigma looked up to Batman "YOU BRUTE" He spewed and regretted it as immediately Batman slapped Nigma causing yet another cut to form and start bleeding on his already disfigured face. "TALK! WHO WERE YOU GOING TO SELL THE SERUM TO!" Batman yelled as the tied up villain wetted his pants. "No one. We were going to distribute it among the inmates of the Arkham Asylum and wreak havoc among Gotham. That was the plan." Nigma said. "According to who?" Batman said as the villain was now silent as he did not want to spill everything out. "I see" Batman said as he grabbed Riddler's head and pulled it backwards making the villain look upwards. He then took out a Batrang. "IT WAS KEIL. IT WAS HIS PLAN ALL ALONG." Even though Riddler had told the Batman everything Batman cut Nigma's face up even more with the batrang he had in his hand. The villain had become unconscious due to pain.

Batman and Raven arrived back at the Batcave. "What is wrong with you?" Raven said as she looked at John who had just removed his suit. "Nothing I am doing what I am meant to do." John said but then fell on his knees coughing as he coughed up blood. John's physical state had somehow become weak as whenever he took off the suit he would cough up blood. Dark circles had formed under his eyes. "This suit is messing with you. That's not the way how Batman operates." Raven said as she tried to take the sym suit watch but got thrown away. "Don't :Cough: do this now." John said as he got up. "Someone needs to put an end to this" She said as she charged toward John. "That's it" John said as he immediately suited up and knocked out Raven. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" Kurt said as he sped toward John. But John was not having it today as he immediately threw a speedtrap bomb at the speedster which froze him where he stood. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Batman said in angry tone. "Kid calm down" Dick said as he stood behind Batman. "Or what?" Batman said in a very taunting tone. "Or I'm gonna have to discipline you." Dick said as he slid two of his sticks into his hands. "Your choice" Dick said in a dark tone. As although he was a bit old but a man in his late thirties vs a Twenty four year old Batman. "HAAA" Batman yelled as he charged with attacks. However every single one of them were blocked. "SLOPY!" Dick yelled as he striked Batman in the face with one of his sticks. "OUT OF CONTROL" Dick said as he landed a barrage of hits with his sticks and kicks. "HAA" Batman landed a punch so hard that Dick flew back and crashed into the Batmobile literally breaking it. "Sir" The Batcomputer said as its hologram walked up to the enraged demon. "Darkstar has been spotted. A smile appeared on the Knight's face as he charged out of the Batcave.

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