A New Threat

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"Wandering about?" A bloody hand grasps the ground in hopes of moving the body it's connected to. "Trying to escape me are you?" A voice with very dark intent speaks. Another bloody hand appears trying to do what it's other succeeded in doing......Crawling away. In fear...."You are already dead!" Steps are heard ...The hands try to move faster......"Goodbye..." The dark voice says as the steps get closer....."GASH".....The sound of a blade piercing flesh is heard.........Leaving everything in silence....

A few hours later

A crime scene is set up. The forensics team from the police are already scraping the abandoned house where a murder took place in search of some explanation as to how this heinous crime took place. The newly appointed commissioner of police of Jump City Mr Brody Simmons arrives at the scene. "Glad you're here commissioner" Says Detective Irwin. "Yes. What's so urgent that you had to call me all the way from the precinct to this abandoned place?" The commissioner asks in a very confused yet curious tone. "Well sir it's about who's been murdered sir." The detective tells his superior. "Okay and who's the poor soul?" Asks the commissioner. The detective silently shows the victim's body lying on the ground with a plastic cover over it. The commissioner slowly proceeds towards it and removes the sheet to reveal the corpse of Batwoman. "Oh no" The commissioner says as he takes a few steps back in shock of what his eyes have just seen. "But how? That too in such a horrid manner?" The commissioner says out of the blue. "We're wondering the same thing." A very deep and dark voice is heard from the shadows as two figures emerge one feminine and one male. "I doubt that any of you will find the answers sooner than us." Says a dark female voice. "Well it never struck me that you two would be personally involved. The figures emerge into light. They are revealed to be Batman and Raven. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" Raven says and a black aura appears around her as she floats around the room scanning it for clues. "Magic?" The detective thinks out loud. "It works just as good as modern equipment" Batman says as he brings out a pen like object which scans the area. "You think it was one of your loonies from Jump City?" Asks the commissioner while he pops a piece of gum into his mouth. "Maybe. The brutality used to kill her is quite apparent." Batman says as he puts his gadget back into his belt. "I got nothing." Raven says as she walks up to Batman. "Hm." Batman says as he acknowledges the fact that whoever did this knew that Raven would be involved. "We better look more carefully. You hear that everyone?" The commissioner says as he turns around to face his team of clue hunters. Batman kneels down and covers the body with the plastic cover. "You didn't deserve to go like this Katie." Batman says as he and Raven both disappear into the shadows. "So you d-" The commissioner stops mid-sentence seeing that the do had left. "Gordon was right" He thought to himself.

The Batcave

The batmobile roars into the cave as it jumps onto the platform racing towards its area where it stays stationary. 'VROOOOOM' The vehicle let out one more roar before it turned off. The duo emerged from the vehicle walked toward the batcomputer. "So...How bad was it?" Asks the voice of a man. "Horrible" Says raven as she removes the hood of her cloak revealing deep purple hair and her face as she let out a sigh. "Darn it" The man is revealed to be Dick Grayson. Nightwing who had aged up into his mid forties. "I'm sorry Dick. We just couldn't do anything..." Batman says as he removes his cowl. But it isn't who we think it is. "No need to be sorry John..It was supposed to happen I guess." Dick says as he wipes a tear from his eye in sorrow for his lost friend. Now why did Dick say John? He was referring to Johnathan Wayne. Heir to the Wayne family. Son of Bruce Wayne and brother of Damian Wayne. The man we see as Batman now has had quite the history. He was an orphan who used to live at the Wayne Orphanage. He never had any friends except one. However he would have to say goodbye to even that as one day an attack by Deathstroke on the orphanage left him homeless. Being saved by Batman he ran into the alleyways of Gotham where Bruce Wayne found him and took him in as his son. But little did he know that Bruce was his father as he was a clone created by mixing the DNA of both Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne. Bruce had revealed this to John at a young age in front of the bat family and Superman. John was made to be Batman. Being loved by his new found family and his friends he grew up to be a force to reckon with. Assuming the mantle of Vengeance! Bruce had taught him everything he knew as he then sent him to the teen titans where he was under the command of Damian Wayne a.k.a Robin. Bruce had also arranged him to be trained by both Damian and Raven. He proudly served in the Teen Titans. Being guided by his elder brother Damian and John had a brotherly bond that no one could break. He had also become very close to Raven as she was teaching the ways of Azarath. However thing changed when Bruce Wayne died. Damian Wayne had become the new Batman and Cyborg became the leader of the Titans. John had been affected by Bruce's death. Unfortunately not long after Damian had been killed in front of John by Darkstar, one of the worst foes the world had ever seen. Eventually John had become very violent and dark as he had lost his family. But in this time Raven had become his new family as from being partners and friends they had developed feelings for each other. However John's bloodlust had been awakened as he proceeded to leave the Titans with Raven and assume the title he had been created to assume. Batman. He avenged his father and brother by defeating Darkstar who he had nearly killed if it wasn't for the control he had been trained to have before becoming Batman. He now resides in Wayne Manor with Raven and Dick Grayson. Grayson who was the eldest of Bruce's son's had made the decision to retire from being Nightwing and in turn take care of John as once Alfred had of Bruce.

Coming back to the present John sat on the medic table with a blank expression staring towards the dark regions where bats were flying around. He felt the heat of anger and vengeance come into his system once again. "Hey kid calm down." Dick said as he put his had on John's shoulder. "I'm sorry...I kind of lost myself there for a bit." John said as he looked at his legal guardian. Raven looked at John as she had felt had just happened to John. She was familiar to those emotions but she wondered as to how a human like John could possess such anger, feelings of vengeance and pain which surpass that of Trigon himself and still be able to smile and feel happy. "It's not your fault. It was too late to prevent it." Raven said as she sat beside John. "I know" John said as he took off his gloves and cape. "We better get to the bottom of this before someone else becomes a target for whoever is doing this." John looked at Dick and Raven as they nodded in agreement. They left the bat cave and returned back to their normal clothes and went back upto the mansion. "Why don't you kids sit down and I cook up something good" Dick said as he went toward the kitchen. "Hmm sounds nice but I think I should check out some books on tracking and tracing spells" Raven said as she went to the study. John who was standing alone in the hallway felt weak and full of sorrow. He looked up and walked toward the living room and stood in front of the pictures of Bruce and Damian Wayne. He looked upto them as he had felt like this before when he witnessed the death of his family. It was as if he could hear Bruce and Damian from the other side screaming at John to avenge them by killing Darkstar. But John knew that the actual Bruce and Damian would have never wanted John to spill blood. He suddenly remembered the anger the pain and the sorrow of not being able to save his one true family. He clenched his hands into fists and looked toward the ground before he marched toward the batcave. He opened the entrance and walked into the cave as he then started sprinting. He suited up and took off with the batmobile at full throttle. The speedometer slowly reached 100 as the batmobile jumped out of the batcave exit and on to the ground.

He arrived at the scene where Batwoman was murdered. But he was not alone there were mysterious hooded figures all over the building. Batman clenched his eyes to see better in the rain as it was pouring down hard. He used his bat vision binoculars and saw that the figures were searching for something and they all wore the Darkstar insignia. Batman suddenly felt something click inside him and whatever it was gave him the feeling that he was set free. He approached the building and punched the two figures standing outside so hard that their masks broke straight into their faces. Knocking them out Batman advanced in to see that the whole building was full on the inside as well. "GRRAAAHHHHH" Batman let out a war cry as the figures all headed towards him......

Raven had just finished her studying and now knew a more powerful spell which would definitely bring out more answers as to who killed Batwoman. "John I'm-" Raven saw no one in the living room. She then used her powers to scan the entire mansion but John wasn't there. "DICK! TO THE BATCAVE NOW!" Raven yelled as she ran into the cave. "COMING!!" Dick yelled in response sprinting as well. They got to the batcave to see no batmobile and no batsuit. "Batcomputer bring out the current location of the batmobile" Dick ordered the high tech computer. "These are the coordinates." The computer displayed the coordinates on the screen. "Vexton sector 4" Dick said. "That's where Katie wa-" Dick saw no one behind him. The noise of the batbike revving was heard and Raven zoomed out of the cave at high speed. "Darn kids these days" Dick said as he opened up live feed on the batcom.

Raven arrived to the scene and parked beside the batmobile. The entire area around the building was covered in blood. The entire area was red. "John" Raven called the name of her partner mentally as she rushed in to the building to see bodies everywhere. "BAM BAM CRASH" The sound of a fight was heard upstairs. She rushed up to see bodies everywhere there too and a red tall figure beating up another person. She watched terrified as blood flew everywhere. "GAAAAHHHHHHH" The figure yelled before delivering one final blow. It turned around to face Raven who had already lifted up her hands ready to strike but now stood there in pure shock. "J..J...J..John?" Raven said as the figure was Batman covered it cuts injures and blood. "It was him...." Batman said in such a cold tone that Raven took a step back. "Darkstar....." Batman said as he looked at Raven. "They came here looking for this." Batman said as he took out a test tube containing a golden liquid. " What is that?" Raven asked. "I don't know but whatever it is, they wanted it bad. And I think that this may be the reason that Katie is dead." Batman said as he walked out of the room. "Where are we going?" Raven asked. "To find out what exactly this is."

To be continued.

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