Labour pains?

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Love at Divergent High

Chapter 63: Labour pains?

I am thirty six weeks pregnant. Today is my first day of maternity leave, Tobias still has to go to work for a week though. He’s incredibly worried about leaving me, especially after I went into labour with Eve when he was still at school and I was on maternity leave. He’s worried it’s going to happen. I really hope it doesn’t. Going into labour when you’re on your own is scary.

I am sitting on the sofa, everyone else is just leaving. Tobias comes over to me and plants a kiss on my forehead.

“Rest. Don’t do anything too strenuous. Call me if anything happens.” He says, worried.

“Tobias, I’m sure everything will be fine.” I tell him, trying to get him to calm down.

“Okay. See you later. Love you.”

“Love you, too. Now go.”

He nods and leaves the house, after Eve has come up to me and kissed me and her sister goodbye.

I’m still tired so I lay on the sofa and close my eyes, planning to drift into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up with a pain in my stomach. I clutch the sofa in my hands, hard, groaning through the pain.

When the pain is gone I sit up and look at the clock to find that I have been sleeping for the last three hours and it is now eleven o’clock. Tobias doesn’t get off work until six, tonight.

“Please don’t come now. Please. Just wait.” I whisper to my unborn child, rubbing my stomach gently.

I decide to go into the kitchen and get a drink of water, I’m thirsty. I also grab myself a packet of crisps because I’m hungry. I go back into the living room and sit in my previous seat on the sofa.

I eat and drink, terrified that in the matter of minutes I will have another contraction and will have to call Tobias and confirm that he had reason to worry.

I do get another contraction, twenty minutes after my first one. A tear falls down my cheek as I squeeze the sofa as hard as I can and cry out in pain. It is definitely worse than the first one.

I need to call Tobias.

This is labour. I know it is. It feels like it did when I was in labour with Eve.

I stand and walk over to the phone on the table by the front door. I pick it up and dial Tobias’ number.

It goes to voicemail.

Crap. He has a meeting that will last until two.

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