New school, new friends and the same annoying brother

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Love at Divergent High

Chapter 1: New school, new friends and the same annoying brother

I wake to what has to be the most annoying sound in the world. The sound of my alarm clock. The clock that tells me that it is time to wake up, at SEVEN in the morning. The clock that will forever be my least favourite thing in the World.

I roll onto my side and smack my arm down on the button that makes the noise stop. But, I don’t get out of bed. I lay there, on my side, looking at the wall. My new bedroom is huge. My new house is huge. And when I say huge, I mean HUGE. There are ten bedrooms, that all have an en-suite, there are also five bathrooms. One huge kitchen. One huge dining room. The huge living room. A library full of more books than I have ever read, and I read a lot of books. An indoor swimming pool. With a sauna and a hot tub big enough for like twelve people. A utility room. Three offices. A conservatory. A huge garden that has an outdoor swimming pool. A summer house that includes a living room, kitchen, downstairs toilet, three bedrooms that all have en-suites, two bathrooms and a smaller indoor swimming pool. A garage that fits all of our eight cars in it. In the house there is also a huge closet full of all my mothers’ clothes ranges. She keeps a load of them here just in case. I love it. Though it is all a result of my parents being filthy rich. I mean my mum, Natalie, she’s a world famous actress, a singer, a model and a fashion designer. And my dad works very high up in the government. Sometimes he even works with the President, who I have met by the way. He’s actually a really nice and funny man. His family is nice too.

We have just moved to Chicago because my mum decided that she wanted us to move. Though, my parents are hardly ever home with us. When I say us I mean me and my brother, Caleb, he is ten months older than me…

There is a knock on the door. Speak of the devil.

“BEATRICE! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED AND GET YOURSELF READY! SCHOOL STARTS IN A HOUR AND THIRTY MINUTES!” He screams. He is the second most annoying thing on this planet.

We are starting a new school today, called Divergent High. He is super excited about it, he loves school. Which I think is completely crazy because I hate school, every single person I know that is our age hates school, except from him. It’s annoying. We are just beginning our junior year and already I want it to end, I haven’t even been to school yet. Well, since my old school in Florida where I did my sophomore year. But he already loves it.

I roll out of my bed and hit the floor with a slight bang. I groggily stand up and walk into my en-suite. I take a quick shower, blow dry my hair, curl my long, blonde hair, and brush my teeth before cleansing my face and putting on some of my moisturiser. I then dress in some plain black leggings and put my white bra on before my white crop top that has coloured flowers on it. I then put on some foundation, eye liner and mascara as well as some pink lip gloss before walking back into my bedroom and sliding on my black flats that have a small bow on the front of them and grabbing my black leather jacket of my king sized bed, I put it on and pick my school bag up off the floor and put my plain gold earrings, spray some of my favourite perfume onto my self, put some deodorant on before leaving the room, shutting the door behind me.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen to find my brother, Caleb, sitting on one of the bar stools next to the large island we have in the kitchen. He looks at me with an annoyed look on his face. He is wearing a smart light blue shirt that is tucked into his black trousers. He is also wearing a dark blue tie and his shoes are smart, black and polished.

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