Capture the flag

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Love at Divergent High

Chapter 47: Capture the flag

Today is the day of capture the flag. We are leaving Eve and Ashton with Christina’s mum and sister as it is Saturday and Christina’s mum doesn’t work today, and her sister doesn’t have school. I can’t wait.

It is now eleven and we don’t have to be there until one so we are just getting ready and having breakfast at the moment. At twelve we are going to drop the kids off at Christina’s mum’s house and then we’ll be leaving.

College starts in two weeks; we don’t need things for a dorm room as the college is only a twenty minute drive away from the house, so we are staying here. I’m excited, but nervous at the same time. Like all teens about to start college, I guess.

I am in the kitchen, making some pancakes for everyone, all ready for capture the flag, when Tobias comes in with Eve in his arms, both of them dressed and ready for the day.

“Morning beautiful.” Tobias says before kissing me.

“Morning. Is everyone else still getting ready?” I ask.

“Yeah. Pancakes are looking and smelling wonderful.” He says.

“Thanks. So, are we doing couple against couple, or what?” I say.

“Couple against couple. So there’s going to be four teams of two. I was thinking, maybe, we could just find a really good hiding place and make out for the duration of the game.” He answers, smiling.

“No, we’re playing the game, and then we can win and make out in front of them to annoy them.” I tell him.

“Fine.” He groans.

I just laugh.

It is now one o’clock and Tobias and I are ready in our protective gear, carrying our guns in one hand and walking hand in hand with the other, trying to find a good hiding spot for our flag, which is green and is attached to Tobias’ belt.

“So, what’s our tactic going to be?” He asks.

“Well, we find a good enough hiding spot for our flag that none of them are going to find it. Then we climb high enough to see where everyone else has hidden their flags. Then we split up and sneak up on them from behind. We go for Shauna’s and Zeke’s first. Then we go for Uriah’s and Marlene’s. Then Will’s and Christina’s. Then, we will have all of their flags and we will be the winners.” I tell him.

“Great plan. But why will we both leave our flag?” He asks.

“Because we will hide it well enough for them not to find. Also, I can guarantee that the others are going to send one person out looking for the flags and the other stay with the flag. Making them both vulnerable as they won’t have back up. If we stick together we will win. I’m sure of it.” I answer.

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