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Love at Divergent High

Chapter 27: Homecoming

It has been a week since my mother died. It has been one of the hardest weeks of my life. She never used to be home much, because of her job, but I knew she would come home at some point. Now, she isn’t going to come back, ever.

My father is coming home today. He has been doing well, though he is depressed because of my mum dying. He’s trying to be strong, for Caleb and I, but I can see that it is hard for him, I know he is broken.

Caleb decided that he would collect dad from the hospital so Tobias and I are at home, getting the house clean and ready. Well, when I say cleaning and getting the house ready, I mean him doing the hard work whilst I just make sure everything is tidy and ready for my dad’s homecoming. He doesn’t want me doing too much because of the baby and I have had quite a bit of stress lately. Susan and everyone else in the gang are also helping whilst I look after Ella and Ashton.

At one Caleb arrives home, helping dad into the house and bringing him into the living room and helping him into the sofa. “Dad!” I say as I go over to him and embrace him. He hugs me back.

“Beatrice.” He replies.

“How are you feeling?” I ask him as I sit next to him on the sofa.

“Sore. Tired. How are you?” He asks.

“I’m fine.” I say.

“Do you want something to eat Andrew?” Tobias asks.

“No, thank you.” My dad answers.

“Tris, do you want something to eat?” Tobias asks, smiling sweetly at me.

“Yes please. Can I have some chicken nuggets please?” I ask.

“Of course you can, my love.” He answers before kissing my forehead and heading into the kitchen.

“Just like your mum.” My dad says and I look at him with a sad smile. “She loved chicken nuggets when she was pregnant with you.” He says, I smile at him. “She also loved orange juice, chips and chocolate cake. With Caleb she despised all of those things, but loved bacon, sausages, crisps and pepsi.” He says.

“Well, I’m loving orange juice, chips and chocolate cake at the moment. Do you think that means I’m having a girl?” I ask as I put a hand on my stomach.

“Maybe.” He answers with a small smile on his face.

Later that night, when we are all in our beds, sleeping, I wake up hearing my dad shouting something about my mother. I get out of bed and walk to my parents’ bedroom. I see he is still sleeping but he is having a nightmare. I walk over to him and sit on the edge of the bed. “Dad, wake up.” I say, shaking his shoulders. It doesn’t work. “Dad, wake up.” I say louder. He jolts awake and looks at me before he starts crying. I hold him as he cries into my shoulder.

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