The day before college

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Love at Divergent High

Chapter 48: The day before college

Today is the day before we start college and we are all super excited, but nervous at the same time. Right now we are all rushing around, trying to get our things ready, which we really should have done weeks ago, and washing and drying and ironing our best clothes so we have enough nice stuff to wear for the next week. Eve and Ashton are in their playpen, playing with their toys with not a care in the world whilst we run around the house, throwing things everywhere, putting things into our bags. Honestly, it’s like being in a mad house right now.

Tonight we’re going to order a Chinese and play games and watch movies, celebrating our last night as free human beings before all the hard work kicks in and we have to spend the next four years doing coursework and exams and other things that will eventually get us all good jobs. Hopefully.

Tobias and I actually did pack our college bags last night, so we’re just getting everyone’s clothes ready. I’m ironing and he’s washing and drying, because he can’t iron to save his life, I don’t mind though. And because that’s all we’re doing we get to keep an eye on Eve and Ashton whilst everyone else runs around.

“So, what do you think college is going to be like?” Tobias asks me as he brings in another load of dry washing and puts it on the sofa closest to me.

“I don’t know. I think it’s going to be great, we could make new friends and stuff. The lessons sound good. But I’m kinda nervous about, well, everything really.” I tell him as we hear Zeke scream like a girl from upstairs.

We laugh.

“Sorry, I just tripped over a pile of clothes!” Zeke yells out to everyone in the house.

We laugh again.

“We’re going to be okay.” Tobias says before kissing my forehead.

“I know we will.” I reply, kissing him sweetly on the lips.

“Tris, I have a major crisis.” Christina says as she enters the room.

“What is it now, Christina?” I ask, slightly frustrated.

“I don’t know what colour to dip dye my hair. What do you think?” She asks as she holds up two colours of hair dye. One purple and one blue.

“Blue.” I say.

“That is exactly what I was thinking. Thanks.” She says before walking away.

“Do you want something to eat, I’m hungry?” Tobias asks.

“Yeah, please.” I answer.

“What would you like, my love?” He responds.

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