Gone again

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Love at Divergent high

Chapter 50: Gone again

I sit there, in the cupboard, crying. I don’t get out until I hear Zeke calling my name. But he doesn’t just say my name, he says Tobias’ name as well.

I crawl out of the cupboard and watch as my friends and my daughter look around the house for me and Tobias. I stand and walk over to the front door where I see a pool of blood, Tobias’ blood. My knees buckle underneath me and I fall to the ground, sobbing.

“Tris.” I hear Christina say.

I feel the arms of my daughter wrap around my neck and I turn to face her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into my lap.

“Mummy, why is there blood on the floor? Why are you crying? Where’s daddy?” Eve asks me.

“Eve, sweetie, can you go and play with Ashton, please? Outside.” I ask her, kissing her forehead.

She just nods, gets off my lap and leaves the house with Ashton at her side, they leave through the back door so they can play in the garden.

“Tris, we saw the news. What happened?” Christina asks me.

“We were watching the news and there was banging on the door. We knew it would be Marcus. Tobias kept asking me to hide, and I refused many times but he was so persistent. So I hid in the cupboard in the kitchen, he answered the door and I heard a gunshot. I didn’t come out of the cupboard until you guys came home.” I tell them, crying as I do. “He’s gone. Marcus has got him.” I add.

Christina embraces me and I cry into her shoulder.

“It’s okay. We’re going to find him. Zeke, call the police.” Christina says.

“He could be dead. He could be dead.” I cry.

“He’s going to be okay. You know him better than we do, you know he’s strong and he’s going to survive. He’s going to be fine, Tris.” She says, trying to comfort me.

We sit there for God knows how long, me crying into her shirt and her trying to comfort me.

“Let’s go and get you cleaned up, the police are going to be here soon.” She says.

I nod and she helps me stand and walk up the stairs. She helps me get dressed into some black leggings and a dark grey baggy t-shirt, well, it’s baggy on me because it’s Tobias’. She puts my hair up into a ponytail and helps me downstairs and into the living room where she sits with me on the sofa. I would do it all myself but I’m shocked, I’m scared, it feels like I’m paralysed, not able to do anything.

It isn’t long before the police arrive, there is a female and a male, and both look quite young. They sit on the sofa with me and Christina goes to get them and me drinks.

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