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The police man approached them with cautious steps, afraid they would attack anytime soon, from his view, they were slightly insane or totally insane. He held on tight to his baton as he walked towards them.

"What are we going to do?" Ikechukwu asked, people were already stopping by to watch the drama they saw coming.

"Nothing," Mary said. "We are not mad, at least I know I am not mad." She gave him a suspicious look.

"I am not mad." Ikechukwu defended himself. "You were the one acting crazy just now," he muttered.

"Good afternoon Officer," Mary greeted.

"What's going on here?" The officer asked as he stopped before them, his eyes on Mary, he glanced at Ikechukwu, then Mary. "Is this man disturbing you?"

Ikechukwu gasped. "Me? Disturbing her? I-"

"Shut up!" The officer ordered. "I know your kind, going after young women, disturbing their peace."

Mary shooked her head and sniffed, her stance had taken a pitiable one. "No sir, he is my brother, we were kidnapped by some crazy men." A tear rolled down her right cheeks, she hugged herself as she relaid the 'event' to the officer.

"Kidnappers!" The officer shouted alarmed. "Where?" He shouted. The passerbys where stopping to see what was going on, most of them were already bringing out their phone to catch the whole drama, Ikechukwu sighed, typical twenty-first century behavior.

His comrade, who had been watching the whole action at her post approached when she noticed her fellow officer was alarmed, she walked slowly at first, then jogged over to him.  "What's the matter?" She asked, tucking her shirt properly into her jeans.

"They are victims of a kidnap, alert the station immediately." Once the word kidnap left the mouth of the officer, the murmurs rose from the watching crowd, the looks on their face changed to one of pity. Ikechukwu couldn't deny that he was glad, better to be on the internet as one who had escaped a kidnap than a mad man.

"Do you remember anything? Their hideout? Anything that could lead us to them?" The officer asked. His comrade was already making calls to the station, the crowd watched on, excited.

"Eh..." Ikechukwu didn't know what to say.

"I remember sir, they...the men, they were three." The officer nodded his head with each word. "All of them were black like charcoal," Mary described. "One had K-leg, one had bow leg, the other one had...he had no legs-"

"Eh?" Ikechukwu and the officer said at the same time.

"He was their boss," she explained. "He stayed in a wheel chair."

The officer nodded. "OK, what else?"

"They were all armed with AK-47." Ikechukwu decided to contribute his, only realising what he had done the moment the words left his mouth.

The officer brought out the walkie talkie from it's holster. "Our men are armed." He announced.

"Officers are on the way!" The police woman shouted. "Officers are on the way!" she repeated.

It was almost like that moment in every action films. In just few minutes, the venue was parked with soldiers and officers. While Mary was laughing silently because she was enjoying the whole drama she had just caused, Ikechukwu looked like he was about to piss his pants.

"Do you realise what you've just done?" He whispered to her furiously.

She nodded her head, a proud smile on her face. "Yeah. Oh, they are so stupid."

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