live show - dreamnoblade

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song inspiration: sand planet - hatchi/dune ft. hastune miku


the pink haired male wore a skirt.

he also had his hair up into two ponytails.

but— that wasn't the technoblade he knew.

that was— tech-ku?


"hi it's me, hastune miku!"

technoblade looked at the holographic character, then back at his guitar.

his outfit was similar to hers, but it didn't mean anything.

the fans sure didn't mind it, but instead adored him as miku introduced the male and his brother, wilbur.


"you make the voice for ha—"

"no, niki does. i just play guitar for songs and live shows."

oh, well that explains it.


dream ran up to technoblade, not caring about neither the crowd nor the people up on stage besides the two.

he just went up and kissed him, then and there.

it was funny, especially since miku was programmed to show a shocked but happy smile at them.

(vocaloid au)

would contain:

slight band au (with sbi)

a/n: yes I know niki is not the voice sample (?) of miku. I just wanted more plot to it, especially for it to make more sense.
if you want to know who actually is though, I would look at the wiki. :)

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