school idol! - sapnoblade

87 2 7

game inspiration: love life! all stars (school idle)

playlist inspiration: japanese indie rock songs i think you should listen to at least once - kasoyi


"i'm pretty sure we have a school idol group here," dream said.

"well, time to find out." technoblade shrugged, walking out before dream could say a word.


techno softly knocked in the door.

is anyone even in here?

am i late?

"oh hello! what do you need? you came here to apply?"

"no i—"

"don't tell me you're the camping group asking for the room! it's not and never will be handed to you!"

"no, no! relax, shortie."

"wha— huh?"

"this is the idol group, correct?"


the school president looked at the duo, before smiling softly.

"i need you guys two have 10 members join by the end of this month."

"ten?! thought you needed five—"

"yes, but we don't want it like last time, do we sapnap?"

the noirette nodded, sighing.


"c'mon dream, you gotta join! you wouldn't be bad, even if it's you just playing guitar and not singing."




"who are you two?"

"i'm sapnap, and this is my close friend, techno."

"we literally only met for a day—"

"shut it!"


training was a hitch, especially when sapnap had a skirt that was flying midway to his thigh.

just focus techno.

(highschool + music band au)

would contain:

musical type mention
light angst
nsfw (sex jokes, suggestive content, etc.)
crossdressing/feminization (sapnap)
romance (slowburn)

a/n: i literally hot the game today and have been grinding— the best i could do instead of project diva ✊

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