teddy bear - karlnapity & tommy

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song inspiration: tokyo teddy bear - neru ft. kagamine rin


phil left him.

he was all alone.

nobody would care that he's dead.

everyone wants to use him for science.

"i'm sorry."


"tommy— tommy, hey! it's us three!"

the three figures were all distinct. one with wings, another with some sort of cloak, and own with horns.

phil? ranboo? techno?

"quackity, sapnap, and i are wondering why you're here—"

oh, it's not them.

it's not even sam.


"we'll take you in. you'll be safe with us."

that'll be nice.


who doesn't pay?

honesty doesn't pay.

"sam, can i ask for a favor?"

"sure, kid."


"tommy, you are crazy!"


"you may be my dad, but i'm not your kid!"

(realistic minecraft)

would contain:

dreamsmp spoilers (??)
platonic relationships

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