evillious - dreamsmp

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series inspiration: seven deadly sins (of evil) - mothy
(ft. MEIKO, KAITO, GUMI, kagamine len and rin, hastune miku, and gakupo)


"devour everything in the world!"

the man wore a beanie.

he ate himself.


"for the sake of your happiness."

"you can sleep with his gift."

the male was wearing a dress and a bandana on his head.

he was to tired and passed out.


"when you sharpen the scissors, they work better."

the town was in shambles, yet she didn't care.

"but i have to continue my work."

the woman had short blonde hair.

she kept up her job with sewing until she burned to the ground.


"come, shall we dance?"

the male was around 6ft, pink hair and pig-like features.

"they all excited the mansion, the last to leave being my childhood friend."

the male was stabbed, left inside the mansion to die.


"judgement of corruption."

the male wore a beanie like the one before.

he was wearing blue though.

dark blue.

"if i collect the seven vessels of grave sin,
my wish will come true."

the man was perfectly fine.

he was taken to a utopia with his "son".


"come, repent."

the male had a gun in his hand.

he burned the whole place down to shoot the one who killed his lover.

"thank you, time traveler."


"come, kneel to me!"

the male had small horns and a green tuxedo, followed by his butler, who was wearing red and contained blonde hair.

"indeed, he was certainly the son of evil."

(seven deadly sins au)

would contain:

platonic relationships (with minors)
romance (would try to respect boundaries)
gun usage
drugs usage
self harm

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