vegas, baby! - karlnapity

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song inspiration: uminoashi - maretu ft. hastune miku


the lights around the city brighten the street.

the prostitutes down at the bars.

the puppets being thrown into poker games.

they're about to gamble their life away.

what the hell has their fiance done?



"—one hundred thousand fucking dollars baby!"

the duo could hear the shouting of the younger in the office, followed by a low chuckle that seemed familiar.



"welcome to vegas, mi amors!"

"quackity— you have to stop. you're hurting people!—"

"they hurt me, why can't i do it back?"

"because it's not right!" the raven-haured shouted.

"oh, don't tell me you're here to fuck everything up, go to hell if you think i'm stopping!"


"alex quackity, i swear to fucking lord—"

"everybody has fucking left me! they've all just forgetten about me to go do their own shit, but yet when i do my own thing, it's horrible!"

"there's a reason why—"

"there's a reason for everything!"


"it's not wrong being a little power hungry, is it?"

(cuphead/casino au)

- karl and sapnap are like cuphead and mugman but they don't beat up villians, they can do whatever you desire them to do in this au.

would contain:

gun usage
past trauma
slight abuse

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