requests! (a/n)

45 1 24

hello! i'm starting requests for a bit!

i've been feeling a bit dry, and wanted to see if anyone wanted anything specific.

what i need:

- ship name (or x reader thing)

- au (or say random/your choice)

- what overall theme (angst, fluff, smut)

- genre (romance, horror, mystery, etc.)

- any specifics! (what you would like it to include, quotes, etc.)


- i will not make them immediately, please be patient.

- i will not do any ships i'm uncomfortable with.

- i will not pass any dreamsmp member's boundaries (i'm mainly sticking with fluff/angst with most of them unless i really like the idea)

- feel free to recommend me a song for the prompt to be inspired by!

- i can do x reader prompts!

- i can reject your request, so don't be a butch about it when i do. you can always ask for something different, but i probably won't do it.

what i will not do:

- anything over-sexual
- kinks
- hardcore shit (hard gore/horror, etc.)
- skephalo: i don't know their dynamic well, let alone watch neither of them, so i dont know how to portrait them.
- i will not do niki x wilbur. both are not comfortable being shipped together.

that should be all, nothing else unless i remember!

stay safe and take care! :)

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