October 31,1981

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In a house in Godric's Hollow,was the Potter family in a house hidden away for the safety of their only child...

Estelle Rose Potter

Suddenly green fire was seen in their fireplace."James who's that?"said a ginger haired woman carrying a child."I don't know sweetie,but be careful it might be 𝐻𝐼𝑀"said a black haired male pointing a wand at the fireplace."Wands down my dears,It's just me"said an old man with long white hair and a long wavy beard that came out of the fireplace. "Hello headmaster"said the ginger woman named 'Lily' Potter neé Evans."Hello Lily dear,James,how is the little Estelle?"said the old man named Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."She is doing great headmaster"said the black haired male named James Potter."Please call me Albus,I told you,I am no longer your headmaster"said Albus."Sorry Albus,we're just used to calling you headmaster"said James."It's quite alright my dears,but I have important matters to discuss"said Albus."Of couse headmaster let me just tuck Estelle to bed"said 'Lily' while heading upstairs.While she was tucking Estelle she heard a thud downstairs.She was confused so she called her husband."James?"no response."J-james..?"no response again.Suddenly she heard footsteps heading up the stairs.The footsteps got closer and closer until they were right in front of the door."James..?"she called again but again no response.The door creaked open to reveal..."H-headmaster..?"said a confused 'Lily'.The headmaster didn't answer but instead pulled his wand out and point it at 'Lily'."H-headmaster...w-what are you doing?"asked 'Lily'."Give the child Lily"said Albus."W-what..?n-no"said 'Lily'."Fine,then I guess I will have to kill you"said Albus.'Lily' looked horrified."AVADA KEDAVRA"yelled Albus.The gingers body fell to the floor with a thud.As Albus was about to kill the child a man who was in his 20's came in."ALBUS!,What in merlin's name are you doing!"said the mysterious man."Ah,Tom I am just getting rid of my problems"said Albus."You can't just kill a defenseless child"said Tom."You're right,it would ruin my image,I need someone else to do it"said Albus while looking at Tom."What are you looking at..?"said Tom feeling uncomfortable."Nothing to worry about dear Tom,IMPERIO"said Albus firing the spell at Tom."Kill the child Tom"said Albus.Tom was trying to fight the spell but it was too strong.With no control over his body he walks to the crib with the child,he raises his wand. "I-i'm,sorry l-little o-one"said Tom."AVADA KEDAVRA" yelled Tom feeling guilty killing a child.But something unexpected happened the spell rebounded to Tom making his body turn to dust.What Dumbledore didn't notice was when Tom aparated just in time before the spell hit him.When Dumbledore walked to the girl he noticed a lightning scar on her forehead.Then he realized what he could do with the girl so he planned to put her with the Dursley's for him to manipulate easier.When he was outside carrying the baby he noticed a flying motorcycle heading his way."Dumbledore!"said the man from the motorcycle."Ah,Sirius I'm afraid Lily and James have not made it alive"said Dumbledore acting to look like he was sad but he was actually casting a wordless and wandless 'Imperio'."Go look for Pettigrew,corner him in an alley full of muggles and kill 13 muggles and keep screaming 'I betrayed them' then forget this ever happened"said Dumbledore when he noticed Sirius's eyes went foggy.



"Are you sure about this Albus"asked a concerned transfiguration professor.

"Of course Minerva...𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑"



"Little one what are you doing out here at this hour?"asked the mysterious hooded figure.Then she saw the letter."What's this?"said the figure while levitating the letter to her hand.She read the letter with a horrified expression."We must get you out of here"said the figure picking up the basket with the baby in it and ran deep into the nearby woods.Using her magical key she inserted it in the air and turned it.A door appeared infront of her and she went in.



"Welcome back my 𝑄𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛"





What did you guys think?

I hope it was alright I will try to update every week or atleast every few weeks I am busy with modules,I will try to write in my spare time or when I finish my modules early


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