Hogwarts Express

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It was now September 1,and me and my mom are heading to King's Cross Station.

Once we landed on the dusty fireplace,my mom quikly left because she had important business to attend to,I started looking for the Malfoy's.After a few minutes of walking through the platform I finally found them.I went over to them and said"Hi!""Hello Estelle,how are you?"asked aunt Cissa"I'm doing great aunt Cissa,how are you guys doing?"I asked"We are doing splendid Estelle,thank you for asking"said uncle Lucy,we talked for a while before we heard the train whistle.We said our goodbyes before going inside the train,me and Draco found a compartment at the end of the train otherwise known as the Slytherin side of the train.Suddenly  someone knocked on our compartment door,Draco goy up and opened the door and 3 people came in 2 girls and 1 boy"Hey Dray,who's she?"asked a black haired girl"Oh,this is my cousin Estelle"Draco said"Oh,in that case,I'm Blaise Zabini heir to the most ancient and noble house of Zabini"said Blaise while kissing my hand"And I'm Pansy Parkinson heir to the most ancient and noble house of Parkinson"said Pansy"I'm Daphne Greengrass heir to the most ancient and noble house of Greengrass"said Dapne"I'm Estelle Rose Potter heir to the most ancient and noble house of Potter and Black"I said almost laughing at their faces,they took their seats and we started talking"Hey Estelle,how are you and Draco cousins?"asked Pansy"Well turns out my mother was actually a Black that was kidnapped by Dumb-as-a-door"I said the others snorted at Dumbledore's nickname.Our train ride was peaceful until the compartment door slammed open,we turned to see a red haired boy"Have you seen Estelle Potter,not that she would be with you slimy snakes"he says rudely"first,snakes aren't slimy second you need to learn some manners,what kind of pureblood does that?!"I say outraged"Calm down cousin,he must be a Weasley they are purebloods with no manners and worst of all theor blood traiton"Draco said sneering at the Weasley who was now red with anger he was about to say something but I just slammed the compartment door shut.The next few minutes we're peaceful until some girl with brown hair slammed the door open"Have you seen a toad Neville's lost his"she says bossily,before Draco can make a comment"No"I said and slammed the door shut,I heard her scream"YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SO RUDE"she yelled or more like screeched and stomped away.The rest of the train ride went smoothly after that,no disturbances,we just talked and bonded the rest of the train ride.





Sorry I didn't update yesterday,I couldn't use my iPad cause my mom tolm me to stop using it.Anyways I hope you like the chapter!


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