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Once the Hogwarts Express arrived at the station,the older years were already heading for the carriages pulled by what looked like thestrals."Firs' years over 'ere!"yelled a tall man not tall enough to be a giant so I think he might be a half giant."Little Estelle 'aven't seen you 'ince you were a baby!"said the half giant"Hi..."I said a bit unsure if I could trust him since he probably trust Dumbles"Ya best be off"said the half giant"No 'ore than 'our in a boat"said the half giant "Hey Estelle wanna come on a boat with me,Pansy and Blaise"asked Draco"Sure!"I replied,we were sitting in a boat when Weasel came"Hey Estelle come sit with me,I'm sure you don't like sitting with these slimy snakes"he said with a stupid grin on his face"How many times do I have to tell you to leave me and my friends alone!,oh and it's Potter to you only my friend get to call me Estelle"I said annoyed by him he turned bright red again and stomped off."Ever' one in a 'oat,ok,ONWARD!"said the half giant then the boats started to move,I dragged my fingers through the water and felt something touch it,I looked down and saw the giant squid,I am so going swimming here at the weekends."Duck!"said the half giant,we all ducked then there were a lot of "oooh's" and "wow's" I looked over to where they were staring at.I saw a beautiful castle,I could practically feel Lady Hogwarts excitement when I got off of the boat and walked up the stairs"Firs' years professor McGonagall"said the half giant to a stern looking woman"Thank you Hagrid,see you at the feast"said professor McGonagall then the professor started explaining the four houses and the house points"Please,tidy yourselves up I will return when we are ready for you"she eyed Weasley who had dirt in his nose."Hey Estelle!,what house do you think I will be in?"he said rather loudly the first years stop talking and looked at Weasley and me in wonder"First,don't call me Estelle only my friends can call me that how many times do I need to repeat myself!"I said my voice a little higher than before"Second,you will be in Griffindor"I said dryly"Really,is it because of my bravery"he said looking smug"No"I said"What do you mean?"he said confused"You won't be a Hufflepuff because you insulted my friends,you won't be Ravenclaw because I can practically feel your stupidity radiating from you and you won't be in Slytherin because I can tell your not the least bit ambitious or cunning"I said looking bored the other first years were practically dying of laughter and Weasley was just red in the face...again....then professor McGonagall came through the doors"We are ready for you"she said walking in with us following behind her,I heard that bossy girl whispering about how the ceiling was bewitched and that she read it in Hogwarts A History to a girl who looked like she was about to jump of the Astronomy tower than listed to the bossy girl then we stopped in front on a hat on a stool then the hat started singing.After the song professor McGonagall came up and said"When I call your name,please come forth to be sorted into your house""Abbot,Hannah""HUFFLEPUFF!"the hat screamed.After that I didn't pay attention to the sorting,after a few more minutes the Weasley and the bossy girl who I learned name was Hermione Granger got sorted into Gryffindor,my friends were sorted in Slytherin,soon it was my turn to be sorted,I gracefully walked up to the stool and sat down,the school was silent waiting for me to get sorted"SLYTHERIN!!!"the hat screamed,the hall was silent expecting me to be in Gryffindor like my parents,I stood up and gracefully walked to the Slytherin table who was now over with their shock and cheered happily,I sat beside Draco and smiled he smiled back.After that Dumbles gave his speach,who I might ad utterly stupid,who would say that to kids.After the feast the Slytherin prefect lead us to the Slytherin common room in the dungeons and explained the house rules,then professor Snape came a few minutes later and gave his welcoming speech,we were explained where our dorms were and who our roomates would be,lucky for me I was roommates with my friends.I peacefully went to sleep later.





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