School Shopping

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After we left Gringotts we went to Ollivanders to get my wand.

We went to the shop and saw an old man who I assumed was mr.Ollivander."Ah ms.Elvendale I havebeen expecting you"he says leaning forward."Now,which arm is your wand arm ms.Elvendale?"he asks"My right arm"I reply."Hold on ms.Elvendale let me check if I have any wands that fit just right with your core"he says going deeper into the shop.He came back a few minutes later with a beautiful wand."Try it ms.Elvendale"he says,I take the wand and give it a flick,then pink and green sparks came out of my wand."How much will that be mr.Ollivander"asked mom"That will be 12 galleons"he says.Mom paid him and he put the wand in a box and gave it to us."Have a nice day!"he says waving"You too"my mom says.

Next we went to Flourish and Blotts to buy my school books and few other things.

After we picked up all my books,we also bought parchment,quills,and ink bottles

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After we picked up all my books,we also bought parchment,quills,and ink bottles.We paid for them and headed out.

After,we went to Madam Malkins to get my robes and other accessories,"Hello dear,how may I help you?"asked Madam Malkins"I need robes for Hogwarts miss"I replied"Ah,okay please stand there and I will be with you shortly"Madam Malkins said pointing to a stool.I stood in the stool for a few minutes before Madam Malkins came and took my measurements."And I'm guessing you need the rest of the needed clothing for Hogwarts?"asked Madam Malkins,I just nodded"Okay everything will be ready in an hour"said Madam Malkins.

Next,we went to Fabian's Truks For All Occasions to get my trunk."Hello,how may I help you?"asked Fabian"I want a trunk with atleast 5+ compartments"I said"Ah,okay follow me"said Fabian he lead me to 4 different trunks"This one has five compartments,one bedroom,one kitchen,one bathroom,one living room and one dining room"he said pointing to the first one."This one has seven compartments,two bedrooms,one kitchen,one bathroom,one living room,one dining room and one library"he said pointing to the second trunk."This one has eight compartments,two bedrooms,one kitchen,two bathrooms,one living room,one dining room,and one library"he said pointing to the third one."This one has nine compartments,one bedroom,one kitchen,one bathroom,one living room,one dining room,one library,one training room and one extra room for you to store anything you choose to"he said pointing to the fourth one."I want the fourth one"I said"Okay,what would you want written on your lock?"he asked"Could you please write the initials E.R.P?"I asked"Of course,it will be done after a few minutes"he said.

After,we went to Florean Fortescue to get some ice cream.After we were done,we went to Fabian's Truks For All Occasions to get my trunk.We went inside,then mom casted a feather light charm on the trunk then shrunk it then put it in her pocket,we thank mr.Fabian and went to Madam Malkins to get my robes.We went to Madam Malkins and grabbed my robes and shrunk them and put them inside my shrunken trunk.Then we flooed home,then we put my school supplies away,then ate dinner so fast because we forgot lunch while we were in Diagon Alley.I went to bed after dinner exited for tommorow because I was meeting my biogical aunts.I fell asleep with a smile on my face.





Sorry I was unable to update yesterday,I was distracted and when I remembered I had to update.There was a blackout,I wasn't there when the power came back because we went to the tennis court so my dad could play tennis and me and my mom were watching our puppy but my mom didn't let me bring my iPad so I could still not update.Again Sorry.

Well hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for all the reads!


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